Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Often it depends on the type of event they were obtained in and also the choices available for others. Merkavas are very hard to avoid when introducing Israel :)


Seems pretty arbitrary :/

There is a difference between testing though. You can test a vehicle because you want to buy/produce it for use in your army or you want to see how certain things/systems function for possible future projects. Which is somewhat fine for TT.

This one is just “oh hey we’ll test our weapons on it, see how good our stuff is”.

They wouldnt have got it in a running state if this was true.

Thanks! So its not a hard definition.

Think Merkavas are difficult, try avoiding a Patton…

Speaking of Swedish heavy tank… Would the Kranvagn be unacceptable for War Thunder, given that it was at least half built ?

When could we expect devblogs of next update?

Yes and no. It is half done so no, but it is Swedish so it could slide in, even to the tech tree.
Whilst the centauro lancia with both the proposal and the two parts(M113 ADATS turret, B1 centauro hull) are still not even close to planned.

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It got passed to the devs so they are at least considering it.

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so as we reached a new low standard for vehicle addition, can we expect the last low standard be applied to other nation?

Only Russia, of course, since Gaijin has a massive boner for it and Sweden.

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let’s rather say it is expectable that they know of it’s existence

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Is anyone surprised? xD

I also noticed the SKR-7 wasn’t addressed, even though it was one of the most discussed change requests…

We’ve seen proposals to instead of reduce the Battle Rating of the MiG-15 and F-86, to increase the Battle Rating of F-104 and similar aircraft instead. We’ve decided not to do this because it will not only affect the effectiveness of the MiG-15 and F-86, but will also worsen the competitiveness of the F-104 and other similar aircraft in other nations.

Whats that, 3 or 4 aircraft models that compress 8.3 and up. Wouldnt dare destroy their experience.

Also, on what ground are the HE-VT for the VEAK removed? Have anyone read what people was saying about that?


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What on Earth is that VEAK change


We also received a lot of feedback regarding changes to the missile research modifications branch for the Barak II . To keep you updated, in the next major update adjustments will be made to the modifications research branch for this aircraft.

What about the research modification branch for the British Phantoms…

Because gaijin wants to fix the swedish spaa gap form 4.3 to 8.7 by artificially nerfing the veak. I dont get why they didn’t just add the radar to the zsu. Or give it proximity ammo like it had and just move it to 8.0, sweden has 1 tank at 7.7 and now it will have 2. (Not counting 1 premium vehicle.)

Saw that and immediately scoffed, in what way does removing the VT shell seem like good balancing? Now there is practically no reason to use the damned VEAK after you get the Itpsv as now the best part of it has been sliced off of it.

May as well use the ZSU as at least that provides better all rounder usage at 0.7 lower br.

Having an actual 7.7 SPAA (not you ZSU-57) is nice I guess, but not at the expense of removing what made the VEAK what it is.

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