Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

This is driving me to madness again. so I’m posting abt it again:

This unused naval gun texture. What if it 's not intended to be used as a ship 's weapon at all. What if it 's meant to be a static texture for an object on a ship, like lifeboats are - this gun was used on landing craft carried by many warships of the 1900-1910 period, it 's not impossible

Thoughts ?


France is treated much worse than Japan.

Also, you forgot China.

While the IR lock range on the 81 is still pretty short(about 3km against helicopters at best) isn’t it’s IRCCM still able to ignore most of not all IR jamming devices in game?

uh, how?

Don’t forget the HESA Saeqeh. Who doesn’t want a cute little twin tail F-5 derivative?


oops. I’ll add them in.

Japan has been getting many useful light vehicles at higher ranks over the last few years. France has gotten one. On top of this, the Type 10 is much better than the Leclercs.

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Ideally yes, but realistically they’ll go with what’s ready I think.

The fact that Britain is receiving more attention does not mean that it is not suffering. The British really want an IFV, and they have nothing but a warrior. The British requested Fox 7 years ago, and it was added only in this update. We complain that the developers are adding anything to Britain, but not ifv. Even the subtree of South Africa did not give us any IFV.

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The South African sub tree added two IFVs, actually, however your point still stands.


Ratel 20 and zt3a2 or Ratel 90?
I drove to the sides of the BMP-1 on ratel 20 and could not destroy bmp-1 engine. It’s a nightmare, it’s not an IFV.
Zero damage gun

It always shocks me how they never do some easy war event, like an event on the end of WW1 (a day we celebrate here in France), but they do events on the first man in space, even though it’s first a game about war xD

But yeah even about battle they always in majority are about battle of the 3 main nations, others countries battle are rare in this game as event.

Hem… Sorry but no. Major/minor nation in WT have nothing to do with military capability, or even number of vehicle. It all depend of the numbers of players, saddly.

They should add the Ajax

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Ratel 90.

I agree with this since war thunder has now got ww1 vehicles and in Britain we have a remembrance day to remember the fallen.

So yea copping out on one of the most bloodiest wars and doing a space event.

I remind people that war thunder has nothing to do with space.

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Relative to tech tree “potential” (past ww2), they do get treated worse
France has many, many vehicles that they could add which we have a lot of information on
Japan still has some major additions like the Chu-MPM or Type 11, but obscured prototypes like the CCV, B78 or GSR have very little information available
Obviously it’s not a competition, but some nations just simply have more vehicles available


There aren’t any WW1 vehicles in game. The oldest, the Char 2C, is from 1920.

Literally, this is an ifv, but the gameplay is an ordinary tank destroyer. If it also had Milan hanging, it would be delicious :P

As I said, your point still stands, I was just pointing out that technically there are two South African IFVs in game.

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Amazing Ratel modification))

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