Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

A very minor distinction is that the dispute between PRC and ROC is quite civil compared to literal Japanese Imperialism as an example, especially considering the current day refusal of the current Japanese government to even acknowledge, much less apologise or reparate for the generally heinous behaviour in question.

Which would be the main reason to generally avoid, say, a Korean sub-tree in Japan, the lack of wisdom in the ROC inclusion in de-facto the PRC tree is also worth mentioning.

You just answered your own question.

It’s one of the best Hunters in game that should be in Britain


So about those ARHs… ;)

I’m rumoring an F-4F ICE.

Yeah, but there are a lot of German players who also hate it for whatever reason.
They even argued for a THIRD G.91 to replace it, like, why? G.91 is worse than essentialy any fighter Germany gets. When I unlocked the Hunter I was very happy to get an actual jet with flares and missiles at this god-forsaken rank VI.

As Deathmisser stated, you have already said why people dislike it. Stop acting like you don’t know.

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I understand why British mains would hate it. I don’t understand why German mains hate that they get the best british jet. Was there a better option? Is Hunter a terrible plane? Do they just feel bad for British players?

Being a main of one nation does not mean that one is apathetic to others.

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Well, I was talking a few actual hardocre German mains that I know that do not care about any other nation and even they dislike it, so I am sorry for the misleading question.

The exception shouldn’t be used to represent the rest. People will hold opinions of all different kinds, regardless of if they are logical or not. There is your answer.

Hang on gonna do something

Either way, is there a better alternative to the Swiss Hunter? Another MiG-21? A Sabre?

You gave me RE4 flashbacks for a second there before you edited it.

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The VAK 191B, if it was planned to use guided AGMs.

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Not five minutes in the forum and I’m getting statshamed?

What a joyous bunch of people.

Give the Germans a swiss centurion it will be funny

Look at my stats the only tank i have positive kd in is the 292

M8 you’ve answered you own question with you question

We arw not gonna repeat what already been said 1000 times by now

But we are gonna immediately “go haha look at his stats what lmaoo”?
He answered my questions honestly and explained my fault, why are you doing this after the conversation was over?
Anyway doesn’t matter, no point arguing over nothing. Good day to you.

If you want the real reason then fine,

  1. Guided tech
  2. Better missiles
  3. Lower BR
  4. Germany could of gotten a nation that got a major presents already.
  5. British Hunter were over tiered for years.
  6. Do I need to go on ?

No, thank you for answering.