Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

can we get the real passed to devs now pls

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perhaps they just didn’t pass anything to devs

Not like it matters anyway, given the passed to dev vehicles that actually make it to the game… We’re generally lucky if the first passed to dev 10 years ago are finally implemented.


the AlphaJet is a good example of that

it got passed in like 2017?

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Something like that. Truth is, there comes a time when it hardly is about the passed to the devs anymore. The Skink may be a better example, that was a vehicle that had its suggestion as early as 2014.

Well the AJ Savage was passed to devs 10 years ago as of last month and thats not in yet. It really means nearly nothing. If you can scrounge up enough info for a suggestion then the devs can find that too unless you’re doing your own archival research.


im hoping for 2a-140 tbh

Pz. 87-140 perhaps from Switzerland. I think that would be cool with the comically long gun.


Plus I think its a C-Tech 2A4 so up to 900mm of armour so it would be somewhat capable and not just a glass cannon.


Having a Leopard 2A4 Late with C-tech armour and DM33 in the tech tree would be lovely, also.


Agreed there, would be a great stopgap around 11.0

Yeah, I mean it won’t get the object 292 treatment “10.0”, it’s gonna be put on like 11.0+ 100% but it should rock everything anyway.

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However I won’t be surprised if the next tank is actually another Soviet wonder weapon that never seen an hour of use…

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Can’t even check the likes anymore.

Nor what it was replying to.

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I think that why he banned you perhaps tone it down a bit

Again my side got flagged I didn’t insult anyone just some people don’t like my side

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Whatever y’all said, I have no clue, but all I’m seeing is complaints. No surprises that those get removed

when i was talking about missiles and stuff before the update the same people kept triggering themselves because someone actually had a different opinion and these messages will ofc be flagged again just so more people wont speak about whats happening, its silencing/censoring people

Don’t cry if yours get’s flagged then

They do, and admittrdly I don’t care when it happens

My messgaes get flagged only days or weeks after posting, so all people who I wanted to read the comment already did.
Nobody is going back in time to see some silly discussion play out over and over again, nothing lost.

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I would love to see a revamping of naval where the progression is not small ship to large ship, but instead the evolution of battleships from 1890s through the modern era. At or around the missle age there would be an overlap where Cruisers and Destroyers become the focus since in the modern era battleships really stopped being the focus. If you want to keep heavy cruisers or battle cruisers then redo the maps where long range engagement and speed have some meaning. The only reason for destroyers in the early era would be to group them with the brown water coastal group to cap areas.