Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Indian stuff pretty much stops at 10.3-10.7. I agree that the though that the 130mm Challenger would make a nice tank for britian when we move more into the big gun category.

US and Russia would likely still be mostly dominant in that area though, with the CATTB and the many soviet 152mm armed prototypes.

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the “I want my money back post” lol

played the Pvkv II. it is bugging right now, when you move the turret the gunners arm clips through the turret armor. will make a bug report later

Which one is that, I am not seeing it

I really hope gaijin adds the KGV class as if they wait any longer its gonna be kinda DOA as its 14 inch guns have similar load time as the 15 inch guns in game and because its a cool ship (give us Duke of York as it has one of the largest AA complements of any of them)


Nah, should be good. 10x 14 inch, with HE shells. Should be good. And shouldn’t have the dispersal nerfs like the Hood. So you’ll actually be able to hit targets

its more that gaijin is already adding 16inch armed battleships when britain doesnt even have all of their 14 inch armed ships never mind barely any of the 15 inch armed ones

Yes and no, it’ll be fine. I’d rather take a BB with HE shells at the moment. Even in a smaller calibre. And the shell dispersal for something like Nelson is going to be so bad that you’ll never land more than 1 shell

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oh no I fully agree and its why I am asking for a KGV class and not say the Nelson

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Ah but Nelson looks cool and would be able to get a lot of shells off at only a slight angle

once gaijin starts getting into more laid down and blueprint ships I wonder if we will ever see the 1947 Minotaur-class cruiser

would be really cool to see and would give britain a ship that could contend with the USS Helena for shier volume of 6inch fire


HMS Tiger on steroids

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Because its American and America was the only country to ever use cannon armed versions?

yeah instead of 2 duel mk5 6 inch turrets she had 5 and instead of 3 duel 3inch mk6 AA turrets she has 8 with a bunch of 20mm as well

Having no other guns than the 3 and 6 inch on tiger hurts it a lot, but at least the guns you have are very capable, some 20mm’s would be nice

Sounds cool, but you know, its British, so not very likely.

if we do some math real quick a single broad side of its aa guns can put 360 rounds of 76mm HE-VT down range a minute not including the 6inch guns with their HE-VT would make one hell of an AA cruiser

Speaking of ships, I shall once again brought up the De Grasse 1955:
This should be the top brass CL as of how war thunder naval works. The shear number of twin 5" and bofors twin 57mm allows it to obliterate any destroyers and CLs alike. All comes HE-VT so they can also deal a hefty amount of parts damage onto CA.


Well the difference between the 14" and 16" UK shells will be just around 30mm in pen so I don´t really think that will make big difference and the KGV will have 2 rds/min while Nelsons will get 1.5 rds/min. And the KGV has thicker belt so I think it will be fine.

Only Lion with Mk. III will get significant pen advantage, the only way that UK doesn´t struggle is that they include Lion quite soon and/or rewrite the pen formula to accomodate better shell quality in case of UKs battleships.