Yea yea but its about the Sabiex thingy
“In files” is a bit disingenuous for most of those.
I do feel bad for sweden as they are gonna have to grind out the C variant just for AMRAAMs since gaijin most likely wont put them on the A to try and get people to spend money
As a mostly ground player I would feel bad for them if it wasn’t sweden lol.
Almost the same things for the 2000-5F, the reason IRL this plane was made was only for be a Fox 3 platform, but at least grinding it with fox3 would make it more worth it than now just for slightly better radar and HMD (and more ground ordnance, but it was not able to do that since what we have ingame is a mixup of different variants… Big mess as usual)
turbo bruh ahahah
im asuming somoine showed it to im and said "yea it’s legit’ withpout giving context , and since he’s not the smartest of fella he just took it
Ngl I keep saying this but the Spanish F-4 for Italy would be hilarious but also would make a good premium tho.
I look forward new leak from weibo
i mean i do agree with spain and pôrtugal to finish in the italian tree , so a spanish premium F4 makes sence
I literally said that’s fictional.
but TheEuropeanCanadian prove it
that one just got posted in the WT snail mine discord server , the dude that made it say’s it’s legit , i’d doubt it tho
god damit cant guess the correct size ahahah , o well it’s big enough wont change it more
There is no F-15J MSIP, without it Japan won’t get Fox-3 carrier.
Another depressing list for ground RB players lol.
2 of the reason’s why i think it’s fake
I just hope the Indian stuff is correct XD
I have no idea what a Buc S2B late would be.
HMS Lion would be incredible right now although if Britain needs anything its a top tier Battleship
Im still expecting Sea Harrier FA2 over the Tornado F3 for Britain.
also @TheKnightOfZero here is your “probably not real/defenetly fake , but still” a leak list
may i recive the bounty aahhaha