Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Ah was wondering why the difference was with the us pre-war and wartime roundel. Fascinating.

If the countless leaks weren’t enough confirmation for someone, BP skins were added for the P-51C-11 [CHN], Flagstaff (PGH-1) and Tiger II (early) [SWE].


Sweden can finally have a heavy tank. Everyone else can sleep until the next battle pass I suppose

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Sleep BPs are the best. I’ll still get the plane but theres no stress just in case some weird life stuff gets in the way.

The default skin has a blue roundle with a white dot in the centre, that is the WW2 Austrailan Airforce roundle. Though to be fair, the FAA painted the aussie roundle on their aircraft in the pacific theatre for the same reasons why the aussies had a different roundle.


I have to say that the skins shown in the devblog look pretty good on it.

Yeah this thing will be like 60 GJN+ when the pass ended

@Smin1080p Then why is it a limited edition (after the event ends - unobtainable) vehicle, especially since its the only heavy tank Sweden can get .

That means people playing Sweden cannot grind daily, special and battlepass tasks when the battlepass stops (and they havent been able to get the tank).


Shouldn’t all nations be able to grind daily, special and battlepass tasks without the use of a premium or event vehicle.


The finnish KV-1 should have been in the TT from the start


It’s a range target. It should never end up in the tree. Maybe as a GE premium at best.

Also, nobody stops you from grinding another tree to get a heavy tank.

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Wait til they gib the KRV to the TT, because reasons
Also tigris but if the 44M Tas is considered heavy thats another case

TT (so no premiums)

The Project 69, Kronshtadt, project was an incomplete Soviet battlecruiser (officially designated a “heavy cruiser”) built under the Soviet Navy’s Project 69.


Are all in the TT.
So why can’t the only Swedish heavy tank that was build and used as a target practice tank not be in the TT.

All nations should be able to grind daily, special and battlepass tasks - Period.

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It’s limited due to the context around it. It makes the perfect sort of limited reward. Something like this is not suited to the tree mostly.


Regarding finnish KV-1s, do you have info to share whether it is planned to add the KV-1B to the Swedish Tree, as either premium, event or tech tree? This was done with the Merkavas for USA/Israel already, which can be described as a similar case.

We don’t have anything spesific to announce at the moment, but Finnish forces inside the Swedish tree will definitely see some reinforcements in the future.


I don’t understand. Do you mind eleborating?
What limited context?
What makes it a perfect limited reward?
And what makes something suited as “not” suitable to the tech tree?

I actually do not understand, so if you can explain it - that would be nice. :)


Since seeing a heavy tank for a nation that doesnt have one, should be nice.d

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It’s best to read the history section on the news article itself. This explains the context in great detail :)


Yessss KV and stug time lets go

With the special privileges granted to Sweden, who is stopping them getting the KRV? While China cant even get a copy of the 9M119M1, and Italy still waiting for a guided SAM.

What about naval? If whataboutism works, why is Sweden still in such a spoiled shape?

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