Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Once the document touches the internet, there no way to control its distribution. Is still illegal? Yes, but good luck restricting it when anybody can make infinite copies.

Anyway, for the Apaches specific cases the RWR is publicly known thanks to northrop grumman statements (so can’t even be called a leak)

That does not stop anyone who cares or has an obligation with their government from reporting a specific breach. There are plenty of people who are either government workers, or military personnel for any of the countries represented in this game that are on the forums who probably would not be fond of their laws/national security being flaunted and breached. At the end of the day it’s more of a question of respect. Do you respect yourself and others enough to simply not post restricted or classified documents in order to win a online argument where literally nothing is gained? And I am not singling you out, that is more of a rhetorical question.

Time to post this


well theoretically 1 day , but yeah ah ah (remember , 7PM CEST yesterday, wee already past 8PM CEST RN )

this guy …
well ima not lose time with that conversation , already knowing who’s right and who’s wrong

Let’s leave this here.

go rewrite history so america wins space race

I’m sure we’ll get a US decal on 21st July.


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Some never learn…

him and another guy was sharing it or parts of it around last night, both have paid the price for it…

So… just reminder to everyone… if you Value your posting privileges, do not post classified Documents on our Forum nor Web pages…

Any document, or parts of documents posted here on our Forum, must be proven to be de-classified and the name of the document and declassification must be mentioned when posting document in part or in whole… can PM Tech Moderators for better clarification on that matter


Yea thank god I don’t have this type of ego and thank god I mainly play low tier


Sure. But you’re forgetting the pod under the plane man.

Look. These two match.


@gszabi99 [Coming soon] Closed Beta Testing of Aircraft Mode! - War Thunder Mobile - Online Military Action Game - Play for Free

Very soon indeed !

I remember those gantry cranes, they were in the old tank hangar.


Well, it’s still the same I think, only domesticlly producted, considering China transferred the production line to Pakistan, except DU round could be new. But it did differ in further upgrade, Chinese upgrade version is different from Pakistan version.
Al Khalid II I think, used some VT-4’s tech to upgrade.


I hope Japan, China and Israel get top tier SPAA in the next update.

Also, why did Russia get the pantsir when they also operated the tor-m1? Why should Russia get a waaaay better top-tier SPAA then China, despite them using the same vehicle? China could get the FK-1000, but nooooo. Russia needs the better SPAA.
China really needs the FK-1000.

The Japanese Tan-Sam is awful at 11.0, your all-aspect lock is between 0 and 6 km without having a radar that shows you where the enemies are. Also, it has real difficulties locking on to helicopters, with and without the lock ability. Japan really needs some SK or Thai modern SPAA.

Israël doesn’t even get a top-tier SPAA.

iirc the explanation was something along the lines of Tor M1 didn’t perform good enough so we chose a better one for russia

Italy needs something as well, OTOMATIC is just bad at it br


Is it dusty in here?

Long time i opened that chest. (Not).

With all seriousness though, why?

And then why isn’t China getting a better SPAA?

Btw, italy also needs something better!

Like, there is no issue when it comes to the lack of options (for all nations), but why doesn’t Gaijin add them? They are always using the “balancing” excuse, but not when it comes to actual issues.

Someweirdname this is not for you, but for the people who always comment these things:

Don’t tell me:
“we/they are planning to add more SPAA(not specifically top-tier) to the game in the future”.

Because a lot of nations are still waiting for stuff which were promised 4+ years ago (when it comes to not just SPAA).

And also, Gaijin plans years ahead. Then why not introduce Thai and Hungarian vehicles back then?

By the time gaijin added the Pantsir, they already knew Thai vehicles were coming to Japan - the same goes for Hungary and Romania to Italy.

So why didn’t they add modern SPAA from these nations to their respective host nations - for the sake of “balance” (which does not exist)?

Just some questions for the general community. I see lots of complaints on Social Media platforms when it comes to countering CAS while playing minor nations due to the lack of SPAA. I’ve experienced theses issues myself aswell.

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