I find update on friday highly unlikely
nobody wants to debug on the weekend
I find update on friday highly unlikely
nobody wants to debug on the weekend
Their own TTs )))
Ether way it has to be in three weeks if the pattern is the same
Find it funny how the leak says france will likely get IFV’s, but not french IFV’s.
From the list:
Suggests more than just that F5. CV9035NL and NF5 together isn’t exactly a tree either. Two isolated vehicles jn separate trees.
You guys reckon we’ll get a whole bunch of vehicles like the Fokker G1 etc under the “BeNeLux----Fr” mention?
if we go by patterns they’ll probably release a BeNeLuxFr ground tree first and the NF5 is an exception and thus marked seperatly on the list
Let me tell you what’s gonna happen, Ctrl+C Ctrl+V
no no no, they’ll make a new skin for them too
So if the deadline is the 23rd
That basically means devblogs will have to start on Monday and the dev stream ether 9th/10th or the 16th. Anything later there would be no rooms for a dev server.
As i ground player i hope so lol.
Gimme CATI90
as an Air player I hope this one breaks the pattern and gives an Air tree first
Are we about to tick off more bingo cards with a part 2 before the first devblog?
Probably get some CRVTs too, Striker would be easy copy paste
I dont mind tbh. Dutch air is neat (and will have an f104).
by the schedule the dev blogs should’ve started on thursday
so yea they’re overdue so monday js a very good guess
Yea it’s gonna be real tight one
The NF-5 is probably a premium
Ofc we’ll get other stuff, hopefully as unique as possible
So we are really close to a month worth of dovbleg, sound nice.
One question them, should i get My japanese lineup ready?
I think the update is gunna be late. Like second or third week of June. Im expecting (and hoping) for an extended Dev-server to get ARH fixed. As well as the innevitable game breaking bugs that will come from the split CMs