Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Brazilian AMX sounds nice, if it’s going to be as popular as any forum poll options mentioning Brazil, Italian TT will shine with new colors.
Still missing 2A7HU though…

Ugh another russian top tier MBT? Come on…

Well at least it contains a couple cool and needed ground vehicles.

Get the snake a cigar

still unlikely, the 2a7hu still werent fully seen with side armor etc.
Centauro 2 is more likely

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Imagine Russia being the only one getting a new MBT while everyone else is also getting stomped by the Strv 122s lol.

At least a british IFV and the Vextra are nice. Finally an Israeli IFV, but I think the namer is going to be pretty bad if it’s a cannon only IFV.

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it wasnt datamined, back when they added the F-4F Late, they added also a Skin for it (Norm-91J) which is still hidden in the files, but the NORM 91J was a thing on F-4F ICE phantoms and only for the ICE



You could be a Brit main with that predict

But you know what:

Any Dreadnought>No Dreadnought (even though it means we won’t get another for 3/4 of a year)


I’m trying so hard to be positive and not to mald.

Yes, she exploded

Fake leak list, no Swedish boat CBT

But CBT for Coastal France however…

Edit: Begone flagger

in terms of being not a real leak list, this is a pretty not real leak list

油库里33 coming
poor update?

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depends who u ask, french are happy i believe so are uk with a light

and gszabi already said it isnt everything thats getting added

It’s a bit subpar in terms of ground imo (except for the desert warrior, 2A4M CAN and vextra), but I somewhat expected this to be a more air focused update already.

every update is an air focused one

I mean look at the introduction of rank 8 ground, last one was air focused as well and this one is introducing fox 3 missles to everyone


The zealous french mains aren’t but most normal players probably won’t complain


either way it ends a huge debate and results in more ground for germany to “claim” switzerland. The french cant realy complain when they get 3 additional nations and start driving around in leoaprds

The Chinese leaker is back, and there is also a6eswip, this one is definitely the most credible

I think gaijin wants to sell the vextra 105 as a new pack, just like they did with VBCI。。。。。。 Then put the subtree’s vehicle into the TT… It’s like the CV9035NL that was leaked before, so the question is, the 8x8 MGS at the end of this picture, I can’t seem to find a photo of them serving in Belgium, do they actually exist?

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this one isn’t an ICE tho

the nose cone is the wrong colour

Or just put the bloody French vehicles in the French tree.