Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

The curator of the museum where the Rad90 resides says the turret is entirely non functioning and is there to simulate weight

I love the Rad90, but my feeling when playing it is as if I were playing in Arcade. Its mobility is extremely surreal. It seems to me that the lack of real data was filled in with a “LITTLE” magic.

There’s quite a distinction between fake and paper/unfinished

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I’m not talking about Radpz90 turret but Leopard 1A4 turret tho. Turret as module was functional, it just wasn’t integrated into Radpz90 hull.

He do be speeding

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There is a real need for light tanks in the top tier. It is not fair that only Sweden or Italy can enjoy these benefits. Exploration with drones is a lot of fun, plus it makes the game less monotonous. In the US the HSTV-L falls short, I prefer to take the stryker. In China I prefer to play with the Chinese 6X6 than with the ZTL-11. In the German case, the TAM 2C really struggles to penetrate the Russian mbts at the top level but I refuse to give it up, it adds points for CAS and offers different gameplay to the mbts. I’m testing Vilkas and it is in theory the highest BR light tank in Germany, but as usual it is behind a paywall and its APFSDS really sucks. In Israel, no way, sometimes I carry the AML-90 (don’t laugh) but it doesn’t have drones.

We need rank VIII LTs. I’m especially looking forward to the Booker.

toptier is decided by MBTs, lights die in the first half . maybe spot one or two and thats it

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It’s not about who decides the game. Forwards don’t score goals if midfielders don’t pass and they don’t win the game if defenders don’t defend. We are talking about roles. Go play 10.3 and you’ll see how fun, varied and dynamic it is.

The toptier is monotone, there are no multiple roles. It’s just a matter of spawning a Russian, German or North American MBT and accelerating to the enemy base. Whoever has the squad with the most MBT will decide the match.

Here fixed it for you

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I want to add something, they turn off because most of them are BR 9.7/10.0 playing in 11.7.

The exceptions are CV90120 and Centauro | 120. HSTVL plays more like an IFV.

By the way, IFVs should have other game mechanics than LT’s. A notable role of support and support to the team.

I’m surprised how we haven’t seen Smin yet, it’s been 20 days without commenting on here.
Looks like this is his new year resolution as in staying away from this thread lol.

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I bet he’ll be here once the news season starts. It’s when things get rowdy

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Quite a bit of rest before next devblog season…
Not complaining though

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That or something called “vacation” I guess

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Probably latter
Even mods and CMs like Smin sometimes need a break from mess this place is (and that’s putting it mildly)

I know it’s just feels odd without him

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Why are people allowed to flag posts older than a week? I just logged on to see a post from early December of last year was flagged…

Like I get somebody has a hateboner for me but can you at least ask me to dinner first smdh.


Honestly Its the holidays so I can’t say I blame him for taking a break from this madhouse same goes for the rest of the CMs and Gaijin staff.

That being said I can just about imagine how they will react to the mess once they get back…

I also got one from December. I’ve had ones from months before I got the notification.

It’s more like why are you looking so far back?

For all those saying that Gaijin will or won’t do something, don’t fool yourself.

We all said they’d add Fox-3’s, and many (pessimistically, myself) said they wouldn’t add Su-27 at all, let alone likely not adding F-15 either.

Got what most said we wouldn’t (Su-27 & F-15), and didn’t get what we thought we would (Fox-3).

I know for a fact there’s plenty of great content out there that they could make into multiple 70’s - late 80’s Cold War content, and there’s still some untapped late-Soviet/early Russian prototypes too. There’s plenty of self-propelled mortars in the Soviet and Chinese trees, too, just as an example. I know there’s a lot of French light vehicles that could come too.

The question is, do they flesh things out a bit and work QoL, or do they focus QoL heavily while giving us slight tech advances with every major?

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