Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Say it with me, boys and girls: BR gaps are not inherently bad things.

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to gajin they are the devil


Really love this one passed to dev.

Mirage IIING (best Mirage III), Normandie with it’s 3x4 turrets, ERC with a stab, and the Panther heli, because i still don’t know why China have 2 French heli that France still don’t have.

Wish they all come in the game ^^


Lol wut, just did testflight with the gripen → mission editor. Now you can go up to MiG-29’s. Actually equipped them with R-60s…and they use them now.

When did they teach AI to use missiles, this is promising for Sim EC where AI is just brainless cannon foddee.

I just realized that both the Finish and American F-18s were passed to the Devs but the CF-18 suggestion that is open right now didn’t.

I hope that doesn’t mean what I think it does.

Well, I guess the pass to the devs is just for show anyways…

If it means that Britain won’t get a jet that it has no logical reason to get, I will be very happy.

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That 's better.

This seems likely, and might apply to the Giatsint-B which appeared alongside it too. Though it does feel unusual that the howitzers would only be non-Unit assets while the SAM 's and ballistic missiles are going to be functional to some extent, based on what we’ve seen of the S-75 and ATACMS.

One other thing these might be used for in addition to/instead of being for Ground maps is being part of the diorama of destructible minibases - those still use WW2 kinds of similar assets, which become noticeably out of place beyond midtier( esp. in heli PvE, where you travel at speeds that allow time to notice these kinds of things ). If those minibases are going to be superseded or upgraded to become the SAM and/or ballistic missile launch sites, their diorama might also include these new cannons - just not as the actual individual targets.

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In the suggestion it said only 2 magics. Could it carry radar missiles?

Actually I discovered today they are on the new Flanders map if you get it at top tier, at least the M198 is.


I really hope they make a post also talking about Spall liners for Chinese MBT’s, especially considering several reports have been acknowledged on the report site for them. Im not sure if it’s just because we have a such an oversized western audience for this game, but it kinda frustrating how rarely Chinese vehicles even seem to get attention when it comes to devblogs like these. At the very least people who play the Chally, Leo, and Abrams understand what gajjin thinks about the issues, us Chinese players are left in the dark.

Yeah this is true but like Mytho said Gaijin won’t accept them so they’ll fill it in with something to recompress things

Theres no evidence of 90% of those though… lmao

f-5 can be easily added iranian f-14 aswell strv 122 was recently captured in ukraine cv90 is already in moscov with bradley

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If youd like to share your proof then.

Ideally y’all could continue this in PM’s, so we don’t fill the forum with current political events

JA37D, MiG-21-93

Where is package sale?

Not here yet.

Turms time please