Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

You didn’t see anything mahahahah

I have to drop my two cents on this matter
I personally dislike addition of trialed vehicles unless it is absolutely necessary. I’m talking F-16AJ levels of necessary, when there is absolutely nothing else to add.

I believe Germany should get Swiss Hornet since there already is a Swiss vehicle in German tech tree.

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The mods see all.

jup propably, like i said i dont necesarily need the F-20 either, additionaly germanys version apparently wouldnt have the amraams either so it wouldnt be anything in that gap either

nah I just pressed delete button hehe

Personally, I think the trialled vehicles should come as a way of showing the way the nation could have gone however they should be event vehicles primarily with only a few exceptions otherwise.

I just want my f4f ice i’ve been waiting for, at this point i’m afraid it’ll be a rank 8 premium.

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it will be DOA , thats my sad main problem

Ah yes because the US tree didn’t already have the M1128, M1 KVT and AIM before they got the Click-Bait.

The upgraded turkish 2A4 is a textbook fit for 11.3, which is the new premium BR.


If Germany did get the F-20 as they tested it, it’d be utter hilarity lol

This is what you’d be dealing with, cockpit-wise:


Pretty much…
Will be just like F-4F (Late) except radar from Hornet and AMRAAMs… And maybe 9L/i1

The real question is whether it’ll get iff or not. lol

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tbh this is giving me the Sambad and the Sa’ar leak vibs

APG-65Q on Italian AV-8B Plus has IFF
I think it’s safe to assume that ICE will have it too
Apparently it didn’t

ICE lacked IFF interrogator IRL

F4f ice irl never had an iff interrogator afaik so idk. Idk if the harrier had one or not tbh, but i assume it would.

Ok, I wasn’t aware of that…
I guess I need to do more research then
I apologize

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I don’t even think the F-4F/ICE had a HUD lol

Well it did, but not a proper hud. It was a slightly updated version of the same one the f4f has. Radar screen was still the old one too.

So then it was likely just an LCOSS