Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

That looks great! Hope we get to see more modern Mirage III variants like Daggers and mostly Cheetah’s or Mirage 50’s.


Mirage 50EM, base Mirage 50, and Mirage IIING are three of my biggest hopes at this point (also the IAI Finger)


Yeah, kinda fits into the F-20 corner of Gen 2 aircraft modernised with Gen 4 avionics and weaponry. Might make for good Rank 8 premium material one day if not rank 7 today already.

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I feel like the Mirage F1/M53 might fit that just a little better, since it’d get R-73s and such (no idea if it had a better radar though).

This reminded me of kind of a unique thought I had regarding the F-20 as a prem: if done in a specific way, you could still keep it with AMRAAMs and best performance.

This would be by adding it as a Rank 8 prem, with Rank 9 aviation coming as well. Mig-21-93 with R-73s and R-77s, Mirage F1/M53 or Mirage F1EM IV, Kfir 2000/C.10, etc could be added as well for that level.

However, I’d say we’re a very decent ways off from that

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ahh, got it. thanks for letting me know

Yeah, rank 9 aviation prob not until end of the year. Might see something like in 2022 where they added rank 8 and rank 7 premiums for pretty much every nation in one go.
Still, apparently AIM-120A/B’s aren’t that good so seeing them on a crappy aircraft might justify rank 7. Rank and BR have no direct link AFAIK and 11.7 already has early ARH missiles with the highest premium being 11.3 since December 2022 when the highest BR was only 12.0. Now it’s 12.7 so seeing a 11.7 rank 7 premium is not fully out of the question.
Premium F-111B maybe? Same missiles as F-14 from 11.7 but worse airframe?

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Well, they need to add a new one because the current one cannot use Fox 3s and they’d have to up BR the existing F-15J to probably 13.0 with other Fox 3 carriers which would leave a sizeable gap. Just think of the F-15J and F-15J MSIP to be similar to F-4EJ and F-4EJ Kai situation. They’ll add AAM-4 and AAM-5 later to it and slightly up BR it, just like they added the 9L and 7F to the EJ Kai.

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True that

In WT?

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Yes. It was a mistake to add it as a standalone tech tree

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Ah yeah, i mean, being a standalone TT means more premiums but so far non caught my interest. So i agree and disagree with that.


Israel do have many unique vehicles, but it’s problem is lacking some main support vehicles. You can’t depend on IFVs to support the tree(and ifvs even not in tt now). And Israel MBT tree is some kind of torturing.
Not good as a standalone tech tree, nor a sub tree, that’s Israel in WT.


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If there is a concluded report with a change to be implemented then this will be done in an appropriate update.


And USSR/Ru tanks with 40km/h reverse speeds.

@Smin1080p this may be a bit early, but currently my pantry is all out of popcorn bags, and I was woundering if I should think about stocking up before this new week ends

Any suggestions?


Far too early currently.


is the su25 still planned?

It’s C&P, except new engines, radar, weapons and different 3D model…

I don’t see that as a bad thing. If we only had one F-15 total we’d span weapons from the AIM-9L to the TVC AAM-5B and SARH AIM-7M to AESA ARH AAM-4B. It’d either be horrible to play or remove historical loadouts. And even then we’d end up with empty BRs where F-15s could’ve been.

I get that the same aircraft with different weapons is an issue to you, but the radar and engines make this one worth it and let it slot in as the AMRAAM/AAM-4 carrier.

And even after that there is distinct modifications, such as one with IRST that could help make the next iteration with AAM-5(B) and AAM-4B more interesting too. There wouldn’t be and problematic C&P as each aircraft would offer more than just the weapons.

By that statement it looks like it’s ether going to be the 16th or the week after that.

I don’t understand what you mean. We have the Su-25 in several modifications in game already.