Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Not sure if you meant players in general like more tanks or not, but figured I’d quote you just to talk about this.

Going by this post by @gszabi99_HUN it seems what people really want are planes:


This makes sense and explains why Gaijin has been focusing their updates mostly on air vehicles. Far too long they were a bit neglected while they expanded the ground stuff and now their “back to their roots” with air. I’m sure they’ll get back to ground and keep updating naval but interesting information to have nonetheless.

It does seem to make more sense to get another F-15J, specifically F-15J MSIP since Fox 3s are soon.

However like @MAUSWAFFE mentioned, the XF-2A or F-2 early only has this tiny window before at least Gen 4 planes with Fox 3s to be competitive. Especially since these early variants were air focused with little ground pounding capabilities.

I’m not familiar with the EFT, maybe it has Fox 3s and doesn’t use SARH, which makes it too strong. F-2 early however is stuck with SARH missiles and AESA or not, their best ticket is their flight performance with AAM-3 and unlike the F-16C they can’t carry 6 x AAM-3 like the C’s 6 x AIM-9M. We all also know, dogfighting in air RB is just not a thing which is why the F-15 is very strong and competitive, even when the Gripen and F-16s are king at dogfighting.

Unless they decided to skip to the F-2 late when we get EFT, which I suppose works because L-JDAMs and AAM-4A or AAM-4B, but I’d imagine Gaijin wants multiple F-2 variants just like they’re doing with the F-15J variants.

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I will be happy with the 2A4 tbh as then it more or less western.

Why not this huh

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It didn’t use SARHS but development aircraft versions of it are similar to the F15c

i was talking about more content in terms of vehicle sorry for the missunderstanding

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Did it have the capability or just flat out no?

Oh no worries. I like said, I was just piggybacking off your post to drop that info for discussion in case it wasn’t mentioned in here before.

Skyflash was maybe possible, or at least maybe briefly used in testing, but its typical loadout would be 4-6 IR SRAAM (Aim-9L/Aim-9Li, Aim-9M or ASRAAM/IRIS-T) and 4-6 BVR MRAAM (Aim-120B or Aim-120C5 or Meteor)

I personally thinking Gaijin is operating as if it could only equip the Gen 5 IR missiles and later AMRAAM for some reason, only way it really makes sense to me.

But of key note, the Typhoon doesnt have AESA, It uses the CAPTOR-M a Mechanical radar for quite a while

That is curious since an IR only EFT could be nice. What other features does it have that make it Gen 4.5?

Usually I’d think it’s electronics and such that push aircraft from Gen 4 to Gen 4.5, with Gen 5s being mostly stealth tech.

Then again, are generations defined by capability or time period of introduction?

DA versions have the engines from the tornado
What makes them 4.5 comes with the production ones

Yeah, thats thing, im genuinely not sure. At least certainly not for the DA2, which would have the Tornado engines and not the full EF2000. Which whilst still pushed it up to Mach 2. Did curve its acceleration a bit.

Yeah, there is enough missing bits and pieces that it would probably be a step up from current aircraft, but only maybe 0.3 BRs. Especially if we saw “heavy” AAM carriers to more nations (10+ AAMs)

This is why I am perpetually confused and would love a detailed breakdown from Gaijin as to why its so OP in their eyes. Everything I know of is that after ARH and aircraft like the Sea Harrier FA2, its the next, logical addition

I missed something?!! Is there a reliable list?

Getting a clear answer from Gaijin that doesn’t contain any nonsense or contradictions would be nice.

Yeah, if they had a good reason that they would care to share, then I would accept it, but I just dont trust that the reason isn’t totally arbituary and that we will be in aircraft that surpass the DA2s performance for other nations relatively soon

Quick google makes it seem like Gripen is a Gen 4.5 but did not get a specific variant so I presume it’s talking about later variants like the Gripen E.

But yea, the general consensus seems to be better electronics/radar and maybe some stealth tech mixed in for Gen 4.5.

In terms of WT, looking at something like the F-2 early, outside of modeling AESA in general, nothing about it seems out of the realm of what we have. Heck if it’s going to at best match the Gripen’s flight performance, it seems like there isn’t going to be any power creep.

Gripen E is probably a reasonable match for Typhoon F2s (first full production models)

This is why comparing them is so hard. “Typhoon” could be a lot of aircraft including the latest variant

The early Gripens are 4.5th gen, however only very early so, like how the F-14A isn’t very good by fourth gen standards, but is still a fourth gen fighter.

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Wikipedia can be changed artificially and cannot be used as a basis. A few years ago, a China girl wrote hundreds of years of Russian history on Wikipedia, and it took a long time for someone to discover it.

i think you are wrong the march update would be air focused, mark my words!

Is there any information about navy in the next major update?