Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

u will take your kurganets 25 and bmpt and like them

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That’s not true really, Smin’s discord answer about more possibilities of Romanian vehicles to supplement Hungarian subtree was shortly after the introduction of that subtree announcement.


Maybe not as a full subtree (apart from aviation part maybe), but imo Romanian vehicles will appear here and there in the TT over time.


or be purely premiums, appearing doesnt necesarily means tech tree, thats where all romanian vehicles currently are in the italian tree arent they?

Would be hilarious to see the first AESA aircraft be the P-1. I’m kind of excited for it.

Unrelated, but with discussion of Fox 3 being this upcoming update or the next. What are the chances of it Gen 3s getting them first, then later on Gen 4s. AFAIK, devs only said the missiles are coming, not that they’d have to be on Gen 4s first. Though they also said they wanted all nations to have a Fox 3 Carrier in the same update and if I look at Japan, the only option would be an F-15J MSIP, which means they’d have to add it to other Gen 4s.

Do all nations have one already or have one that could be added in the next update (like USA F-15A existing means, F-15C is next for them when update comes)?


everyone except germany and uk pretty much have reliable fox 3 carriers

Ignore me, read AESA for some reason, not Fox 3

Thought I read “They said they wanted AESA for all nations at the same time”

gajin might decide that the uk grippen isnt supposed to get them since its supposed to stay at its br
As example sweden gets a grippen c for the whole purpose of fox 3 as well

Oh I see.

And yea, that AESA was referring to P-1 and unrelated to my other thing.

Yeah, there is good argument for and against it getting them. We’ll have to see. If FA2 and F3 AOP do fine, then its not needed on the Gripen

Yeah, im just loosing it tonight :D

the whole purpose of the uk gripen was to have a fighter available at its br, if they add the fox 3 it might raise in br by another 0,3-0.6 which would defeat its purpose

Yep, wouldnt be a void in theory if it added them after the FA2 and F3 AOP because they would be 12.3 and 12.7 respectively. But we dont have a strong line-up currently and it had be best not to nerf what we have got. Besides, always CF-18 if Typhoon is unbelievably OP with its 9Ls and Aim-120Bs

For what it’s worth, even if it was Tornado, having Fox 3s will be great to force multiplier as you can avoid getting in close.

That being said, if the Gripen C could use them, and they plan to add it to Sweden next update, I don’t see why not give those two both Fox 3s.

With the recent BR changes, it has been speculated that the 12.7 rating could be for it and the reason the F-15s haven’t been moved up is because they’re getting the Fox 3 capable versions at 12.7. Or they’ll up BR it again to 13.0 after.


the important part is fighter, those 2 are more classified as interceptors and it depends if gajin even will put them at those brs and doesnt want fox 3 abit more secluded

sweden is getting a new grippen plane (confirmed by gajin already) as fox 3 carrier

Yeah, if AMRAAM doesnt affect the BR of those 12.7, then there is no issue, but if adding AMRAAM to the Gripen C even moves it to 13.0 and with the Gripen A and C being the same BR, I would have to assume it would, then its maybe more of a loss than a gain.

But until we actually get a feel for AMRAAM, they could be a gimic or a real game changer

Yeah, they could easily be over BRed. Both would certainly be more akin to a BVR truck than a Gen 4 air superiority fighters

1 word F4F ice

Will still do better than F3 in a WVR fight :D

ehh will depend