Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Im more interested if this means HESH is being fixed or not.

Though I reckon they’ll look at that as “not HE” and not give it that mechanic

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Yes, and finally, the Tornado IDS can go down to 10.7-11.0 where they belong. BS them being nerfed because of GRB

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very cool changes overall gaijin, thanks

Calling it a Indian Mig-29K lol

you think it would shift the meta that much
i doubt it because of muitl pathing

just because it says rework doesnt mean its a nerf

who knows, maybe spall will bounce around and hit members more than once?

Yeah, Probably. Like with IFVs, Britain’s aircraft just dont seem to exist.

Mhm to me the Indian Mig 29 should like the only aircraft we can get now.
I mean we have the T-90S to fill in the BR and line ups so it’s not much of a stretch.

At least you have one IFV past 5.3 (that is not premium), you lucky ! :p

It also use a French-German atgm that we still don’t have at all in the TT xD

Yeah… I dont understand the rule that states only Major nations can get IFVs.

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Specially when our nations are probably among the heaviest user of IFV and wheeled stuff.

Yeah, you could fill 2 lines with just British light tanks and IFVs, but nope we got South africa instead

CF18 anyone
Mig 29k is too advanced right now


Same here, without the SA.

Yeah, that is more likely and would at least be tolerable.

“New nationS”, so does this confirm that we will be getting new nations in the game?

Perhaps they are going to try it with a new nation in the second major update this year?

isnt that actualy more of a buff lol?

maybe it means a new nation

New nations are confirmed for long time afaik.

We just don’t know who and when.

pls no, we had that discussion so many times by now