Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

jup, in the first place making them 2 seperate vehicles was a complete joke as well and raising the G to 12.7 even more so, only 12.7 aircraft without cas capabilities, because russian players were salty

It’s always fun when people complain about Britain, Germany and America not having “their” stuff or saying that they aren’t “competitive” at some br’s. Meanwhile there are more nations in this game, who still have 1 or 2 vehicles per lineup, and which are more lacking then those three.

Indeed, France, Israel, Italy, and all other lacking nations should get what they can, where they can.


Lower their br to 12.0 and remove non historical r27t, er and et

No thanks.

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that is why i’ve been asking another nation with Russian vehicles, because otherwise, russia will get ALL the variants of all the nations of their tanks

The M-55S that was datamined a while ago makes me very nervous that it’ll be added to Russia.


Considering the icon that M-55S has become in Ukraine I doubt it will be added to the USSR tree

It is still Slovene.

Because Mig-29G is an F-16C in capability with similarly powerful missiles.
Balance > having an OP Mig-29.
Lack of CAS capability doesn’t reduce the lethality of a fighter aircraft against jets.

Mig-29s are 12.7 because of the R-73s, not R-27s.
R-27ETs were added as an option for Mig-29 pilots, it’s variety.

Of all people who would know I am foremost one of them xd
I’m just saying that I doubt Gaijin would be willing to anger the Russian playerbase by adding “an enemy tank” to “their tech tree”

Completely disconnecting it from Ukraine by having it purely be a Slovene used one and not having any Ukrainian skins and such is not something I would put past Gaijin.

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Agree to disagree then, else I believe they would’ve added it by now.

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There are plenty of vehicles that have been datamined and not added for years, and we’ve seen nothing saying that its use in Ukraine is what is keeping Gaijin from adding it.


Sweden literally used AIM-9Li


Yeah, they added a Su25 trailer of Su25’s getting shot down when YT was full of vids of actual Su25’s getting shot down.
I also don’t think Gaijin considers active conflict participation a reason not to add certain stuff.
If that were the case then they’d apply a very unclear self censor because which amount of conflict and where should prevent content in a game about war?

Do you have evidence on hand? Especially photographic?

It almost hard to prove with 9L(i) as it looks the same as ain 9L and is sometimes not even referred as 9L(i) just 9L

I found Q-5Ls from nose numbers [which didn’t have flares mounted].
Spent over 3 hours looking at Q-5L images just to have my suspicions confirmed.
So IDK if I could tell the difference between an L and an Li, but it’s possible.

I’d have to look for it but just consider that AIM-120C-8 recently purchased by Sweden will be called RB99 just like regular AIM-120B