Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I am not going to give any side any points

Have a cheeky geez at this dole bludger.

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and you guys wonder why german “mains” are sometimes as they are, when so many players seem to hold them up to different standards then other nations, when every nation should be hold to the same standards

I am not a main of any nation. I have talked about many nations in the past, and it just so happens that I was talking about Germany now. That is all.

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i did not call you a main of anything

Funny man.

It’s a weird thing to get upset over…
Li is allegedly better IRCCM, or same-IRCCM, which makes it functionally a 9M.

Aircraft that can use 9Ms having 9Ms is just normal.

That and 9Lis could very well come next major update.


its rather i called myself as a german main, i did not bring up your preference. But you seem to have hold germany up to a different standard to the other nations right now, that was my main problem

I don’t, though. As I have said, I talk about many nations, and it just so happened that I was talking about Germany then. If the convo had been about Italy from the start, I would have been talking about Italy, but it wasn’t, and thus Italy was irrelevant.

Dev blogs should start this week or next right?

They should start in 2 or 3 weeks.

Not for the next major update.

but italy wasnt irrelavant, when its the exact same situation and u didnt want to acknowledge it, those bringing italy and germany to different standards

2 weeks more likely or more

I was talking about what IR missile the F-4F ICE should get. The F-4F ICE is German, not Italian.

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Damn that’s seem long

I thought patch was roughly first week of March tho?

and the av-8b uses aim9l(i) but got aim9m in the game, exact same situation

This should have made it clear that I hold all nations to the same standard.

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yes after i annoyed the shit ton of you to acknowledge the fact and that point it feels half hearted and not like you realy mean it