Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Once again, stop talking about Italy. I am talking about Germany.

so you are just a german hater, its ok for italy to get non historic weaponry, but as soon as its germany oh no cant do that, hypocrit

Once again, stop, I repeat, stop bringing up Italy.

oh so embarrased that i brought up fault in your whole concept

Im not sure why you’re attacking him. If one thing is done wrong for a nation why another nation should get such wrong thing as well? YOU stated they are the same exact thing except the smokeless engine, thus you’re making such noise for only the smoke?
The correct thing should be giving AIM-9Li to Germany if they used them, and remove AIM-9M from the AV8B and give it AIM-9Li.

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AIM-9M i believe will be used instead of 9L(i) as its too hard or something

I never mentioned Italy. You did. I am talking about Germany and only Germany. Creating a strawman argument is not the same as bringing up a fault.

because he is completly avoiding this, if he just said to fix italian armament it would be all ok, but he shows prefered treatment for italy and doesnt want to bring it up

You brought up Italy. Not me. Once again, I am only talking about Germany. Italy is irrelevant.

Its literaly the same situation, why did italy receive AIM 9Ms and not Aim 9L(I) tell me

And I am not talking about Italy.

Same with Sweden

eh no, sweden didnt even use Aim 9l(i), they would be stuck with standard aim 9ls, so thats a balancing decision

I am not saying that Italy should get one or the other. Again, Italy is irrelevant since I am talking about Germany, not Italy.

Im pretty sure they used the i
Info is hard to find as the i sometimes is just referred as a AIM-9L

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This is one of the worst “conversations” I have read on the forums and that’s saying something.

Can I get a call when you start kissing?


again it is the exact same thing, you are saying germany cant receive the aim 9ms, because they use the aim 9l(i), but here we are italy never used aim9ms but used Aim9l(i), but got the M variant. So why did gajin give them the 9Ms and not implement the 9l(I).
And to the question if it it should be replaced at one point u dodge the topic.
Literaly hypocratic behaviour because u hate on germany

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but tell me am i wrong? None of my statements is a lie
I dont even care if germany gets M or L(I) , just speaking out of principe

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Fine. Italy should get what it used. However, that is still not relevant, since, once again, I was talking about Germany, not Italy.
Wanting a nation to get something that it used rather than something that it didn’t is not hate. Why is this so hard to understand?


yes and i compared them because its the exact same situation and you just avoided the topic like it poisons you and u dont wanna see the truth

thats literaly what i did, i advertised for italy to get its historic armament which u dodged