Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

It entirely depends on when we get Typhoon.

If its sooner rather than later, yes, I totally agree. at least for now. (no harm in them down the line as a TT filler)

but if we are waiting until 2025 like some have suggested, then both will need something to keep us going, and an F-18 might be what is needed.

We shall just have to wait and see

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Both CN and the US have aircraft of equal standard., but I think China may be the future air power.

They way I look at it is that Chinas still growing so it kinda makes since that we still have some gaps, but I don’t know why the UK gets spammed with so many MBT’s when other vehicles still need replacements.

Yeah. Its kinda insane actually. 6 MBTS, 1 ATGM laucnher and thats it at top tier.

Once we start getting into the Fox-3 generation and even later AESA radar is where the PLA will start to flex it’s air muscles a bit. Not only will it have access to good Russian tech but also new and powerful Chinese weapons.

The Gripen has comparable flight performance to the Typhoon, with it only having fewer missiles until the E, which has nine AAM hardpoints rather than six, so a DA or Tranche 1 Typhoon is only moderately better than what we have now, and the F/A-18 has great flight performance coupled with ten AAM hardpoints, so if it comes, there’s no logical reason to not also add the Typhoon. Unfortunately, Gaijin seems to think that the Typhoon is an unstoppable weapon of global destruction, however.

Also they need to figure out if they really wanna keep calling the ADATS a tank destroyer while also not having an other SPAA above it.

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Yes, China has Su-35 Su-30 Su-27

There is also Taiwan’s Mirage 2000 F-16V

If it did, we should have gotten the Typhoon over the Gripen.

Typhoon DA2 and Gripen E are comparible.

There is a major question though of, should SAAF Gripen C get AMRAAM as it would icnrease the BR and leave a GIANT void. Might be better to leave it without AMRAAM and instead add other aircraft like F3 AOP and FA2 for AMRAAM. Though it does depend on where AMRAAM go, they might just stay at 12.7 now.

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Yeah, we need Tracked Rapier. Would be similar performance but pure SPAA

I really hope they don’t stop adding Taiwan vehicles, as they still have some good vehicles to offer, such as the F-16V, and M1A2T. Also the FCK fighter jet would be cool to see, as one of the few examples of a unique design made by Taiwan, even if it’s just a smaller F-16


There is a dedicated Taiwanese fighter line, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t.


(though I also kinda hope they dont)

I only really play SB these days and only playing Britain means Im usually always against Soviets and China (and usually Germany) and its kinda a little annoying being pinged on RWR by F-16s and trying to VID a friendly F-16 from an enemy one.

Kinda looking forward to China getting unique aircraft, to not only diversify top tier a bit, but make teams different from one another (never going to be perfect with nations like France, Italy, Sweden and Japan bouncing between the 2 sides)

And I think M1A2T is best not to appear in SB because it is a spy car

I think they just need to make some fundamental changes in SIM to stop friendly fire and misidentification. It’s funny how the game actually make you get less info than you would irl in a Military.

I think China will continue to receive Taiwan vehicles simply because it’s easier for Gajjin to get info on them than PLA modern military equipment. A good example would be trying to figure out what weapons the J-16 ‘probably’ carries for air to ground and then look at info on the F-16V where everything is pretty much public.

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Yeha, you could spend 2 or 3 major updates just fixing SB and probably still have more to be done and whilst yes they could and probably will continue to get Taiwan F-16s and stuff (and would make sense) just hope they also spend time on giving China its own stuff. 2023 was a little boring just fighting the same 2 aircraft the entire time. A lot nicer now with at least some variety (though mostly Su-27 and J-11s at the moment in SB)

Interesting, but still dosnt make it obvious what weapons it can carry for air to surface. I Imagine options like the C-702 and Kh-29 should be available, but who knows if Gajjin would give it to them

Recent Dev-posts like the MANPAD and Challenger 2 posts have really highlighted the need for Gaijin to figure out a way to fairly add stuff without relying on hard data, for them to state clearly its a guesstimate but to add stuff based upon guestimates.

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Don’t believe that gaijin are the best, they don’t like weapons more powerful than Russia

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