Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Panther F which was to long in the washing machine

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Is that a user model ?

why was the corelian then removed? The hull and the guns existed (obviously) and the turret shape is known from the mock up and the turret armor is known aswell from drawing.

Readding it would be an easy fix for the anti air gap for germany aswell.

And I don’t say it because I want it because I already have the corelian

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So stuff like 44M TAS can still theoretically come? ;)

Cheers m8

Love the detail though I wold prefer if he made an actual tank as then he would be paid to have it ingame

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What gap? Ostwid II is on 5.3 and then on 7.0 Kubelblitz. Ostwind II is great aa the only drawback is open crew compartment. Guns are the same as in Flakpanzer 341.

It was a wooden mockup turret.


More real than the AJ and R2Y2’s

Runaway before people scream at me for using the AJ as an excuse lol

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Both of those situations have been explained and answered several times over.

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as were the weapons and radar on the yak 141 or guns on the bv155 or xp50

There are many detailed plans, tests mockups of the 141 weaponary. This was also a fully functional aircraft that flew.

Once again, the Yak-141 has been covered in detail.

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booth were mounted

yeah mockups. It’s a double standard.


I mean both of these could of been fixed by a Thailand sub tree just a suggestion though.
As Thailand has been passed to the devs so they are now aware these can be removed and replaced by Thai stuff.

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In Yak-141 there were no flares and IRST on any of prototypes

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There is no public written spesifciation for pretty much the reason you see happening here.

It actually causes more debates as naturally everyone has their own vehicles they wish to see and will use existing vehicles already in the game (for reasons that have been explained before) as the reason why they should / could come.

The developers do not wish to have a set in stone written “list” or rules as there needs to be some design flexibility for the game.

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And since Japan does not currently have a sub tree, that is the answer why these vehicles came to the game in the first place.

@Smin1080p still any possible news on the additional of Chinese spall liners for tanks with acknowledged reports like the ZTZ-99A and VT-4? It was cool to see that work will be done for the Challys armor for the next major update, but we’re still in the dark about when and if they devs even plan tk guve Chinese tanks there spall liners. Outside of “being passed as a suggestion” we don’t have any clue if and when the devs plan to get around the these spall liners for China