Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

And the Su-35 is the best Russian flanker.

That image shows that it can carry 10 AIM-9s.


With twin rails that won’t be implemented.

Why not?

Because single rail pylons exist and having more than 8 missiles won’t be needed for non-FOX3 jets. Especially for light fighters such as Legacy Hornet.

So why wouldn’t Gaijin implement them?

Implement what

I asked you why they wouldn’t implement double rails. Your answer was that single rails exist (I hope I don’t need to explain to you why this is a very illogical logic). So, I am once again asking.

I mean I just answered you. For 12.0 jet (F/A-18A that we were talking about) having more than 8 missiles isn’t needed and double rails would be that additional capability kept for later Super Hornet / Legacy+ variants. Current F-16C could potentially be mounting double and triple rails already yet it’s not present in game for balance reasons.

As I said having more than 8 missiles on light fighter platform isn’t needed especially since Gaijin seems to to limit higher missiles counts (8 and more) for air superiority / heavy fighters. Having more than 8 missiles would be needed only in FOX3 meta with everyone yeeting mad-dog missiles like crazy.

Ah was talking about the Super Hornet from the start.
Doesn’t help they named both F/A-18(n).

Dude, I do not understand what else Taiwan can add except IDF, despite many users thinking J-10 is very similar to Lavi; however, at least it has some differences, which means it is not copy&paste. Taiwan F-16 and Mirage are copied from other nations; they do not have any means unless you are talking about 12.0 below or like to copy and paste.

So how do you know that Gaijin won’t add them?

Do a minute amount of research, then.

I already do that; let me just be clear. According to the wiki, all the aircraft that are higher than 12.0, which means fourth-generation fighters, are F-16 B20(which exist in the game), F-16V(Copied from US), Mirage 2000-5(copy from France), idf and variance (only one that is indigenous). Please tell me what else I forgot.

If you know that Taiwan has more than just the F-CK-1, then why say that it doesn’t?

Because you can’t complain, Gaijin copy and paste while encouraging adding aircraft that are controversial and almost the same as other nations , isn’t it? I think formus user will be very mad.

Where did you get the idea that I was complaining?

Oh, not you? I must be remembering wrong; I will write the other user names and tell you who is complaining if you are interested.

I was simply talking about what I see as problems in the game and offering suggestions for solutions, so no, t’was not me, and that is not necessary.