Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

And you o7


I would be satisfied if it would work at least a little bit. Problem with big zones is that the fragments would be very dependend on the radius probably similar to Spherical waves with Intensity=1/r²

I’ve opened a suggestion, which is pending approval for the historical decal event return, would it be yourself who green lights this or does it go into a queue to be examined?

Figured, but the German and Italian earliest EF’s would have IRIS-T, right?

So I’m thinking this means Su-30SM with the canards and TVC, if we’re going to keep things close with the Fox-3’s and everything else. Probably guessing the next big Chinese jet is going to be the J-10C then.

I really would love to get my hands on the white VDV vehicle decal, I only have the nice emblem version from last year. I’d pay money for it.

AIM 9L(i) then IRIS-T yes

Yeah that would be the Russian equivalent to the EFT

Nah Su-30SM would be far heavier and less manueverable. I’m not sure Russia/USSR developed a lightweight multirole like the west did. Su-30SM would be more like an F/A-18C

Eurofighter fits a very weird niche that only China seemed to have replicated with J-10

Mig29k maybe it has FBW

Maybe, though the tech gap would be a bit noticable against EFT

its newer then EFT i think a tech gap is always going to be a problem with planes after 1991

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I think we’re probably approaching the stage where USSR/Russia begins running out of Like for Like options to be added to the game. Besides the Su-27 models, we could really only see:
Later MiG-29s
Later Su-27s
Prototype aircraft
and then you begin hitting the Su-57

Russia never put much stock in lightweight, A2A refueling multiroles like the west did with Gripen, Eurofighter, F-16, Tejas, etc

you mean like the current tech gap germany and uk will have against russia ?
In that case sucks to be them sadly


Yeah I mean, it’s not particularly a fault of Gaijin anymore. Russia simply didn’t develop those kinds of jets.

jup, will be intresting and happy to see european dominate for at least a patch or 2, and US and USSR needing to take a step back in Air


What about the Su-35s, Su-37, and that one prototype MiG that I can’t remember the name of?

It then becomes a fight between a TON of ordinance and multiple sensors, vs limited ordinance, but highly maneuverable and advanced

Yeah lack of development after 1991 the next new airframe they have is the Su57 as the rest are just improvement and upgrades to older stuff and the lack of AESA doesn’t help them either

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Su-35 and 37 are pretty much 27s with newer kit. I don’t suspect they will handle much different to a base Su27

Su47 backwards wing plane?

Yes, and you didn’t mention them.

to be fair, eurofighters are still lacking in service aesa radars as well