Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

if it has to fight F15C and su27s with fox 3 then it will


The only reason why I am more in favour for Germany to get the trailed F/A-18 over the Swiss one.
Is because the Swiss one is a C and the trailed one is more respectful to Germany.

theoreticaly the CF-18 doesnt need to come either, propably mostly be grippen c since thats confirmed , maybe f4f ice which is DOA either way and maybe sth italian. Existing aircraft might get their amraam upgrade, but otherwise nearly every nation received a new plane last update

gotta remember as well, the devs in the russian stream said its more likely to come in the 2nd update of next year

depends if the SAAF gripen gets AMRAAMs but then a bigger BR gap in our tree will be their


Smin confirmed another aircraft is coming, which to me it will most likely be another top tier.
There is a big gap in naval right now so it would make sense.

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BVR means it doesn’t get into dogfight range with them often.
And if it does it has AIM-9s to make the enemy veer off at the least if not perish.

As for R-77 equipped Su-27… not happening this year. That’s my prediction.
I do however expect Mig-29M/35 with F-15C, Typhoon, and Rafale.

germany trialed multiple version of F/A 18, there is plenty of option
But i would prefer sth with CAS ability that flies better then tornados and actualy gets a real number of CM


you say naval, but its not like we can even use the top tier planes in naval battles or get anti ship missles

You know what I mean as I mean the Fleet air arm/ carrier/ not raf/ Royal navy line

yeah but you got to crank so you don’t die

yeah but thats not realy a requirement or need

I’d still take Swiss Hornet over trialed F/A-18B
EDIT: Even though I’m not fan of either for German tech tree to be honest…


It’s never been about a need otherwise the US would still be at the F-16A atm

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fair, but on the other hand in the same way germany could have +5 leopards as well then

What would that be :o?

Does Swiss Hornet use IRIS-T or other?
It’d be interesting deviation over F-4F ICE.
Granted, at Hornet point we’re on Typhoons.

we and Germany are in the same boat in that we will not have a good AMRAAM carrier till the EFT
i doubt they will give the SAAF gripen AMRAAMS as then the roll it fill in the tree would be gone as it would have its BR increase

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Legacy Hornet

Ohh yes that is a fun one
I will pray for you :D
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I heard it’s a very agile aircraft? I always had the idea it’s another American brick.