Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

If Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, or Visegrad are added independently, they could fit in them just fine. For the time being, however, Russia is the best place for them, unfortunately.

I’d like to add that Britain would also benefit from more than 5 lines in many cases.

I know this won’t be popular to say, but I don’t think that’s going to happen for a few reasons. Tbh too, I’m not sure I want to see like 38 different versions of what is almost the same tank, but that’s more my preferences than anything else. Hard to feel like anything post WW2 in both trees isn’t mostly going to C&P.

Yugoslavia for historical reasons could stand alone, perhaps with an Indian subtree. Would be an actual non-aligned tree at that rate.

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worst comes to worst that ones comes to germany xD

Why would Yugoslavia get India as a sub nation?

This one could have been fun if Gaijin had been willing to be original with the loadout…


“Would be an actual non-aligned tree at that rate.”

Both countries were non-aligned. They did not necessarily follow the whims of the Soviet Union nor United states, but cooperated at times with either or both of them.

Yes, however Yugoslavia and India had no political or military connection.

Edit: in 1955, the Non-Aligned Movement as an organization was founded on the Brijuni islands in Yugoslavia in 1956 and was formalized by signing the Declaration of Brijuni on 19 July 1956. The Declaration was signed by Yugoslavia’s president, Josip Broz Tito, India’s prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Egypt’s president, Gamal Abdel Nasser.

Do some reading if you aren’t aware, it’s actually quite viable. Non-Aligned Movement - Wikipedia

Connected and relevant.

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If that’s enough, then vehicles from dozens of nations could be added to hypothetical Yugoslav trees, which would be far from the best outcome, so my point still stands that Yugoslavia should not get Indian vehicles.

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On the note of subtrees I wonder if they will add more Romanian vehicles to Italy soon since like Hungary they are destined for the Italian tree and Romania has quite a few interesting vehicles that could be added such as the TR-85, CA-95, OSA ect.


The non aligned movement was a scattered mess, with member states clearly pickings favorites between the US and USSR despite their “neutral” status. Cuba is the easiest example of this.
Not only that, but there was also no real unified military structure nor much cooperation between the member state’s military industrial complex.
There’s good reasons why it’s a mostly forgotten organization.

India and Yugoslavia also have no reasons to share a tree beyond the non alignment anyways and no-one would really be happy if they had to share a tree, not the Indians nor the post-Yugoslavs or even outsiders looking in.

Well… Devs will be working towards more drop tanks and or expanding on them during this year, just no word for which aircraft at the moment


Above all else, we need confirmation about one thing, and one thing only: will at least seven of the vehicles coming this year have engines?

I’ve heard rumors of Hamster wheel powered tanks being developed.
Don’t take it from me tho

Oh damn. No engines, then.

Should still be interesting enough

“A vehicle (from Latin vehiculum) is a machine designed for self propulsion, usually to transport people or cargo, or both. Vehicles include wagons, bicycles”

I see what you did there…


I can say with absolute certainty that I did not do what you thought I did, and now I am confused.

lol, now that makes both of us