Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Hasnt Iran even replaced the radars in their F-14s as well? Or would that be a more modern additon that would be unlikely for a 11.7 ish airframe

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I’m over it, and I’m not mad either. Now I understand why Gaijin did what they did too. But I imagine Indians would rather a NA (non-aligned) tree, or their own tree, instead of being attached to their former colonial masters.


Im surprised there wasnt more push back from the South Africa tree being added to Britain. India isnt a fan of us, but I think semi-like being part of the Commonwealth. SA holds referendums often on if they should leave the commonwealth and after the passing of Queen Elizabeth, I reckon that will happen in the next few years


Nah. I want an F-14A at 11.7/12.0 with R-73’s and Sedjil, maybe R-27R’s, not ER’s. It’s doable.

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It’s honestly just not. MLD won’t win dogfights against any F-14. The MLD offers all-aspect missiles (as if R-60M isn’t just an all aspect SRAAM with worse pull) or longer range infra-reds like R-24T. Otherwise completely inferior in every meaningful regard.

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One they don’t like very well too.

It’s odd they keep giving the UK nations that effectly hate them nowadays over the nations that are still close, like the three dominions that still don’t have a home.

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R-73s makes the F-14A 12.3.

12.0 - 12.3 aircraft that F-14A wins against currently in a dogfight: Su-27, Mig-29SMT.
It doesn’t win against Mig-29 9.13, and is tied with Mig-23MLD.

The single circumstance that happens is an R-60M headon with an F-14A pilot that doesn’t know flares exist and they have them.
Otherwise it’s completely over.
F-14A outrates and outpowers an MLD, better long range missiles, longer range IR missiles even.
F-14B is still monstrous in a dogfight, wipes the floor with virtually all the planes except JAS39, maybe Mirage 4,000.

F-14’s are planes you have to specifically misplay in order to lose, they hand you ways to kill with impunity or create situations totally advantageous to your plane’s performance and abilities.

Sweet, lets move the Mig-23MLD up to 11.7/12.0. I hate fighting that thing in 11.3s

I re-tested and the F-14A actually rates slower than Mig-23MLD by 0.2 - 1 degree per second.
F-14B however is the monster I love.

Perhaps when it gets R-73 and upgraded to “МиГ-23МЛД, 23-18, изд. 3” standard.

Thank goodness for that, was really crazy to see such insane nonsense.

GOATed dogfighter in 2024.

I do apologize for my role in the misunderstanding that occurred this afternoon.
It was not my intention for there to be a large misunderstanding causing issues.

All I wanted to shut down is F-14A for USSR, while supplying realistic Iranian F-14A situation.
I will re-iterate Iranian F-14 loadout BRs based on current precedent in War Thunder [there is only Mirage 2000 with 4x IRCCM at 12.0 currently].
AIM-9G & AIM-7: 11.7.
AIM-9L: 12.0.
AIM-9M/R-73: 12.3+.
I am also going to state that an Iranian F-14A is likely NOT coming next major update so it really shouldn’t be talked about too much anyway.

So, if you want F-14A to be below 12.0 you’re going to want it without all-aspects.
If you want IRCCM missiles you’re going to see it at 12.3 or higher according to current BRs of aircraft.


Apology accepted it’s a big thing to recognise failure, I respect people even more when they do it in public.

I agree the the Iranian F-14 will most likely not to be coming but it a good what if’s.


Su-25BM at 11.0 and Su-25T and Su-39 at 11.3.

AV-8B+ and Harrier Gr7 at 11.7

Present on the Tornado F3 at 11.3. Considering the F-14A fullfils a similar role, Aim-9Ls are entirely possible at 11.3/11.7

AV-8B and Harrier aren’t supersonic missile buses; Su-25 is even worse than AV-8B and Harrier; they’re all carried by their missiles.
Tornado F3 cannot dogfight, and F-14A currently is 11.7 in USA’s tech tree with the loadout I provided.

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Yep, probably not gunna be added anywhere. US mains would moan to much with it ending up anywhere but the US tree and I dont think it they would ever add it to the US tree because of the missiles it would have (would be a wierd fit)

(not too mention the whole Iran vs US conflict brewing and gaijin does like to stay out of geo-politics, probably why we’ve not seen many Ukrainian vehicles of late)

But there are some interesting “orphan nations” (nations that dont have a proper TT) with some very interesting vehicles. Would be really interested in seeing stuff like the Avro Arrow


I need the CF-100 as at least there is 1 game with the Arrow.

However, I’d like a Canada tree. But I am really liking the idea of a Pseudo-Commonwealth Tree.

AKA Canada with an ANZAC sub-tree. Probably our best hope for those nations with how War Thunder dose things at this point in time.

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A mod quick hide run



There have been a few complaints an hour ago… but only just got them them…

But, since you have Apologized for causing issues, we can sweep in under the rug… however, you will need to be more respectful to members and that includes in PMs as well…

In the future, and this is for everyone… if there are personal disputes, then it needs to be taken to PM with members i question and not on the forum…

Discussions about aircraft also needs to be taken to the respective areas, this is not the place for it and is disrupting this Thread and its intended purpose

Thank you!


Based comment from a based mod : )