Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I don’t even think the F-4F/ICE had a HUD lol

Well it did, but not a proper hud. It was a slightly updated version of the same one the f4f has. Radar screen was still the old one too.

So then it was likely just an LCOSS

It had late F-4E HUD. Afaik similar to what F-4S has

F-4s in US service never actually had HUDs, though.
I was trying to find evidence of the F-4S having one, but all I could find was that it had an LCOSS system, meaning Gaijin got it a bit wrong there (to be fair, there’s a huge lack of info on it)


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Apparently it did…
The book is McDonnell F-4 Phantom: Spirit in the Skies by Jon Lake and David Donald

It got a new iff receiver. The radar never got an interrogator. Other planes can tell it’s freind/foe, but the f4f ice itself is blind in that department. They paired them up with U.S. f15’s to call iff for them over radio for that exact reason.


Apparently an f4f ice shot down 5 rafales in mock bvr. lol


Isn’t IFF integrated into radar system itself?

From what i understand yes, but the german’s decided to forgo the iff interrogator for either cost reasons or for space limitations inside the nose of the f4f. I doubt the space limitations personally because the f4f’s nose is much larger than a hornet or harrier and also the luftwaffe is perpetually broke.

I found a few pictures of an f4f cockpit, since they weren’t updated, they should still have looked like this on f4f ice. Man, I love the f4f ice. Such a saucy plane.

+RWR which isn’t standard

You know what i find weird.
Everyone keeps complaining about the grind being to long, but then they proceed to ask for more top tier stuff like the F-18, Tornado’s, etc…
Those things are going to be at the highest of highest br’s of the game; requiring you to grind 410K RP.
Why complain about the grind, if you are going to ask for vehicles that require so much RP grind?

I’m asking for more lower tier stuff - which can be grinded way more easily - so i can enjoy more vehicles at the same time. Without me needing to grind non-stop for a few days - just to get 1 vehicle.


aye it’s these same people who doesn’t want half nations as the nation they think won’t be worth it.


Some people, including myself, just enjoy modern vehicles more.

I mostly play them for their look, it’s how I decide what to play/grind and what not. However that doesn’t mean we can’t talk about things that people think are wrong with the game.


with father reverse than forward*

I mean they were at least tested at some point
But they refer to this being asata 4

I mean I ask for both high tier and low ties additions despite hating on pretty much every new nation suggestion

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I was pushing for one because at that time there was a chance of getting the ones in service with my nation in a related tree.

Tho with that chance lower, I’ve just returned to pushing for said nation’s tree.

and wanting WW2 stuff(and some early cold war)