Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

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I don’t think they had Anti-tank weapons. Not that a WW2 APC would be 8.3.

Oh you have in picture now.

Yep! Especially as it would dogfight better then a Tornado F3

Tornado is a great dogfighter wdym

Add the funi

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With what I’ve been told a Voodoo would dogfight better.

And they don’t even have weapons to dogfight.

What on God’s green earth is that!

FV4401 Contentious

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i’ll take II

Comres 75

Anyone think the new air vehicle weapon tutorials might come before the next major ? Probably not, but it 's not impossible is it ?

The texts for the SALH AGM one have already been added.

@x_Shini something for you

yeah we got multiple different giraffe kind vehicles, nice ones that shoot pars 3 even

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We should probably look back at this thread as well: The R-77 ‘ADDER’

The “EA” seeker was manufactured. Difference is, it’s the same seeker as the R-77.

Velocity/kinematics of the difference between the two is beside me, but anyways.

If you dig into some of the sources above, basically, Vympel designed the 9B-1348M1 seeker after the original trials failed. Testing was successful and mass production (at least of the seeker) was assigned to Artem in Ukraine. If anyone saw the thread posted yesterday, about IR missiles, something similar happened with the M-80 seeker from the Arsenal plant in Ukraine for the R-73. The seekers are designed to be at least somewhat interchangeable it seems.

Therefore, I think the question should be asked, does Gaijin want to start giving people say, foldered modifications where more than one mod is unlocked at a time? If so they could give us entire classes of missiles, and allow us to install different seekers. I’m not sure this is entirely a radical proposition as we have experimental tanks and weapons in the game already. The R-77 was supposed to be able to install both SARH and IR seekers as well as ARH, why not add that option? Crazy, I know, but everyone else is shooting their shot right now with crazy ideas, why not throw another one out there?

Lastly, maybe my eyes deceive me, but has anyone identified for sure, that the R-27R’s and ER’s in combat aren’t potentially EA’s? The cones looks similar to me.

USSR deserves it’s wheeled cancer. If they won’t give us Zhalo, BTR-90, and Bumerang, Centauro 2 is the least they can do ;)

u will take your kurganets 25 and bmpt and like them

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That’s not true really, Smin’s discord answer about more possibilities of Romanian vehicles to supplement Hungarian subtree was shortly after the introduction of that subtree announcement.


Maybe not as a full subtree (apart from aviation part maybe), but imo Romanian vehicles will appear here and there in the TT over time.


or be purely premiums, appearing doesnt necesarily means tech tree, thats where all romanian vehicles currently are in the italian tree arent they?

Would be hilarious to see the first AESA aircraft be the P-1. I’m kind of excited for it.

Unrelated, but with discussion of Fox 3 being this upcoming update or the next. What are the chances of it Gen 3s getting them first, then later on Gen 4s. AFAIK, devs only said the missiles are coming, not that they’d have to be on Gen 4s first. Though they also said they wanted all nations to have a Fox 3 Carrier in the same update and if I look at Japan, the only option would be an F-15J MSIP, which means they’d have to add it to other Gen 4s.

Do all nations have one already or have one that could be added in the next update (like USA F-15A existing means, F-15C is next for them when update comes)?


everyone except germany and uk pretty much have reliable fox 3 carriers