Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

newer one looks less like a leo

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I mean that’s the rules Gaijin plays by.

Rules for me not for thee.

Looks like a Leo and a Russian tank had a baby.

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well it basically is

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Either that or the Russians found more toner for the Photocopier

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How about we just


Everytime i see this it reminds me of Legos not sure why haha

I get why:

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Haha yeah 🤣

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Considering I find all their MBTs looking the same I get that.

Tho I also think that for NATO MBTs. To be it look like someone gave everyone the same blueprint and told them they can modify as you wish.

I just want an ifv higher then 8.3 in Britain man…

you get a kangaroo


that is cursed

Better chance of getting Typhoon with ASRAAM and Meteor next major update, but yes, we ALL want that

Give us thw desert warrior legit the equivilant to the m3a3 ingame

Even a man who exclusively plays air sim wants british IFVs

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I don’t think they had Anti-tank weapons. Not that a WW2 APC would be 8.3.

Oh you have in picture now.

Yep! Especially as it would dogfight better then a Tornado F3

Tornado is a great dogfighter wdym