Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Britain has 3 11.3 tanks, there is no br to be filled, their effectiveness being questionable is irrelevant

we are speaking about premiums/ squadron/event, those have different rules for implementation

So in that case props a one event, event vehicle or a Squad

i dont think so, the next 2 updates will have a german and russian premium (not necesarily in that order) as center piece and money maker

could always end up with the Turkish Leo

we already have a turkish leo in the game

and maybe an air premium

Finnish vehicles are also in that section, but we very much know where those will be implemented. It 's just a section for nations who don’t have techtrees named after them.

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where am i blind

not for germany, they just got the blurgh WTD, whatever that shit piece was supposed to be

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like the Cheetah was put into that put it would only ever go in one tree


Maybe Britain or another minor nation like France

Yea I mean they used the commonwealth reason for the T-90 so I bet they use that again

it is an turkish valour pack skin vehicle they handed out, basicaly a turkish skin for the leo 2a4 pzbtl123

T90 was just cause gajin were lazy and didn’t want to add anything unique

cough switz hunter cough

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don’t the Turkish have something better then a 2A4

Like their is another Indian tank they could of added that would of been unique

yeah, that one ends up being the exact same as the SG lol and one with era i think

cum blast