Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I could be interesing to test the postpen damage versus something with actual armor (Strv 122 or 2A7), but i don’t have idea of how to do it.

Peekaboo I see you ;) setup for Sim
Bushes OP 2A6 XD
Bushes OP XD


Lol that french driving comment got a flag

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I will quite disagree, but alright.

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i guess we get the roadmap next year or something.

Lots of cool 3rd generation fighters still out there to add. Kinda would like a break from 4th gen fighters this upcoming patch. Adding one for Italy would be nice though.

I would like to see some props or 2nd generation jet aircraft.

yeah, me too.

Japan, Italy, China and France really need better plane options.

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Italy for sure, idk about japan and china tho

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Japan has 0 CAS, Italy does have some.

Both nations are lacking variaty at almost every br. With them getting variants of variants. More uniqueness wouldnt hurt their TT’s, especially since there is much more to add.

Russia can get their Object-292, but Italy can’t get their Oto-Melara Palmaria 155mm SPH, how weird; isnt it.
Russia gets new models, but minor nations have to be happy with reused models, or C&P in most cases.


dude your comment was the epitome of a bad human being, its the side not the front its not hard

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And lets not forget that Japan only got 10 TT planes since: 16 March 2020 - 26 May 2020 Update 1.97 Viking Fury.

how can we know what they will release? I heard amraams in chat, is this true?

also, will current planes (like F14B) get new missles, or are ingame modification trees set in stone??!

damn that would be a cool tank. Though do remember gaijin generally do add to the big 3, minors get stuff now and then too. It would be nice if gaijn would focus on minors more.

Like I would like to see the GBT turret on centurion/vickers mk1/3/challenger series.

Also I hope that SPG you posted has a suggestion thread for it. ^^

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which will never happen as long as the "big 3 " are the main source of money for gaijin

dont worry i share your point for more love to minor nations (altought 2 i have in mind dont come remotly close to deserving that title basing to their IRL capability’s and amount of countent available for them) , but i just know this is how gaijin have worked for years and years and there are no reason for them to change

Watch them add ukraine to USSR “because they need a sub-TT”

and Czech with poland.

I wouldnt even be surprised.

And i bet they don’t even read this forum, but only the Russian one.
Since, if they read this forum, they would know how much we want more minor nation additions. Unlike the Russian forum, where they mostly (only) advocate for Russian (and Russian related) vehicles.


The fun part of it all is, that they are complaining about Russian vehicles not being as good as NATO counterparts.
I also just read a post about Russian vehicles having “floating” br’s.
Someone else asked if the floating br’s (floating br’s = br difference according to loadout) were also for other nations like US, GE, etc… to which they answered: “no, currently only for Russian vehicles”.

Like… what more do i need to say about this forum…



Советам нужен 11.7 в СБ, им мог бы стать МиГ-29 9-12 с Р-27Р и Р-60 - Корзина - War Thunder — официальный форум


if ukraine ends up as a USSR subtree cause they need it,
watch Germany getting Poland as a subtree because they need it xD

it was sarcasm, you know me by now. ♥

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while yes, not necesarily as a new standalone nation, plenty could be added as part of existing trees representing their nation

i answered with a joke on it myself no worries xD