Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

It’s my lord


I can confirm I do have plumbs so that make me a male hehe. XD

UVZ denied us this baby. T14 is looking like a waste. Not even like a T-64 it’ll be useful down-the-line kind of waste.

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Source? That only thing I’ve heard is that Gaijin said they don’t have any plans to stop adding new nations.

I’d still take T-14 over B3M any day

saying that since months



They did still mention new ones would be coming and there are plenty of good options left, especially with the bar that Israel set, so I doubt it’ll be a big hindrance for such additions, especially considering they aren’t common whatsoever.

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Hmm… must’ve been the wind.

I don’t see anything about it’s impossible for new nations.

What I do see is that is hard to get veteran players to start a new tree do to the how bad the grind is.

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lol you were here!!! sorry!
I’m very sorry, next time I will trust that you are here, as always.

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Oh very interesting, and cool photos, but I’m glad you cleared up what they were doing with the F/A-18.

In my opinion, I don’t think that even the extensive testing should result in it being part of the German tech tree, considering it was ultimately never used, and more importantly, never intended to be used, by Germany.

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The need for such a plane can come from the Swiss if needed

I mean, they promised new nations, but it’s hard for me to visualize how they will be implemented if the current format of the game is maintained. There are very few nations left that can stand on their own.

I see it as more feasible for the new nations to be combined. For example, a combined TT between Canada and Australia.


+many other munition types for both tanks and planes

I understand your point and that of the other forum members. Both are respectable and each has their reasons. However, in the world of Gaijin, after the Swiss hunter and the Indian T-90, nothing could surprise me anymore and everything is possible.

Since Oxy said on stream that South Korea would not be considered as a subtree for JPN( later echoed by the RU community manager ) combined w/ Bvvd 's comment in the video Q&A that SK is a likely candidate to see ingame, they’ve been one of the more likely possibilities for a new independent TT in my eyes.

Another reserve-Rank 4 one, but that matches up w/ the preliminary plans for where new-nation bonuses would start from.

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Do you know where this was said? It’d be good confirmation to have

Agreed, unfortunately.

Oxy 's comment:

( Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1) - #8357 by Hyperveloce )

The RU comment is a little harder to track down, but should be around the same timeframe as this.