Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

In game it looks more like a weird Zimmerit then a net

I mean kinda true but that’s because it’s a 2D texture placed over the turret texture

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A sale oh no I got most of the things I need and I already brought two set’s of GNR coaches for TS.
Better luck next time Gaijin.

yup, some nice choices hope they could be done nicely





We guess gajin decompress to 12.0 BR for ground vehicle toptier in Planned Battle Rating changes next month ?

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Looks better in UHD, but yeah, not that cool looking net.

Wish we got something cool like the German one, way better looking net


Hello guys!

I would like you to participate on this topic, which would affect the way MBTs are implemented in the future and their current modelling too:


What day do crate camoes usually drop?

idk but they are confirmed to come this week

Well I remembered that, I was the one who asked that question lol, I’m just curious if they have a pattern of dropping on a certain day or not

We don’t know. Stop asking.

That would be amazing, but this is Gaijin we’re talking about. A kilo or so of salt might work, however…

Not sure, but should be sometime this week, I believe Smin confirmed it.

with fox 3 we need air rb a top tier air rb rework.

I don’t really play ground but the whole game could use some decompression.

Been ignoring the Viggen until it gets Rb99’s, that’d be cool on a gen 3.
Did the MiG-21 carry ARH? That MiG-21 variant already in game? Does it have a better radar because every MiG-21 I’ve seen in game has absolutely garbage radar.

The MiG-21-93 did.

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Would love ARH missiles to come to low performance (and low missile number) platforms first, but imho it’s very unlikely.
I think we are going to get them in 4th gen fighters already.

Since Gaijin has seemed to be adding ARH missile carriers over the last few updates seemingly in preparation for them, unfortunately it seems that Gaijin is taking the bad route.