Devs put in some good work on the Su-27 FM. Makes me think they’re getting ready for Su-30SM, probably coming next patch. Given how nice the Su-27SM is now with the F-M1’s, and what I can imagine the single turn is like on the Su-33, I think the Su-30SM is going to be a real treat. Hopefully they find time to keep working on the R-73 and R-77 issues too.
If people actually looked at the Dev forums this time, they would have seen most of the gripe from the US side is the lack of AA, mbt fixes (for all nations), and lack of response from the devs. Instead we have yet another rushed update with C/P.
I’m optimistic after gaijin gave us that bone as well. It’s the top of my wishlist ☺️
If you want a wishlisting thread then go here
I know you’re just trying to manage your expectations but don’t give Gaijin any Ideas…
I would say it goes along the same lines as USSR asking for another SPAA. Which tbh if it happens next update won’t surprise me.
I’m curious what next bmd variant will come next
Considering how bad the B-2 would be in game wouldn’t be surprised if it gets added.
If you read the top you will see this is not an wishlist thread.
Please try to keep it on topic guys. No more insults.
So, any new datamines? I remember seeing new bombs for US and France I think, anything else?
BR 11.3 → 12.0, AIM-9L replace with AIM-9M and move to rank 8 before F-16A Block 15 OCU
I might not mind if gajin increase BR to 13.0 or 13.3 before add Python 4 on F-5T SCU for the first or second major update
Battle rating 13.7 minimum with AIM-9M & Python 4
F-5TH between F-16A Block 15 OCU, F-16A Block 15 ADF and JAS 39 Gripen C. maybe
I suppose RTAF F-16AM eMLU minimum battle rating 14.0
There’s no point of being mad for not getting F/A-18C in the last update. Smin had clearly denied F/A-18C and clarified why we weren’t getting that jet. Yet some people still cried on the forums. As for China J-10B wasn’t as important as Eurofighter for Germany. China had received multiple top tier jets in the last few updates and it was expected for them to not get another top tier jet in this update.
To be fair, I can see them coming off the burners and simply adding rehashes of planes we already have with upgraded weaponry.
AGM-130C, AASM-1000 and GBU-53 (SDB II) Stormbreaker. I think
I tied to stay clean which I think I managed too, but yea I’m gonna save your comment for future people 👍
+Italian Pzh 2000
Stug IV should be in the next update.
It’s wayy long overdue.
There is an outrage from the Stug IV fan community. And those are pretty serious folks, I tell ya.
Never summon Todd Howard in vain, pleb