how about this for discussion,
F-15/SE + Su-30 shouldn’t mix,
from there, re-route your ASEAN logic, JP or China.
You say that but the Lavi isn’t real and the Kurnass 2000 is still just an F-4E upgrade, the South Koreans do have the FA-50 which is just as unique as Israels Kfir, and then there is the future KF-21, you also have the KF-16U which is based on the F-16V, and the uniquely upgraded F-15K
Lavi just prototype, i don’t think, thats he have weapon
J-7s and Kfirs.
F-15SG and K to US (foldered, event, prem, or squadron) (japan get domestic F-2 by then hopefully), Sukhois to China or Russia whre they belong
rest of west ASEAN to Japan
the last one of mine that still need adding is the BMPT
I get ya mate,
not consolation but … China did try at Leo 2-esque attempt:
and trust me … I’d want this unique MBT over any off-the-shelf albeit slightly modified Leo 2 variant from another country for China.
Looks real enough to me
Kurnass 2000 is still just an F-4E upgrade
Yeah, which plays differently than the standard F-4E, with indigenous weaponry, thus it’s unique. I wasn’t talking about the Kurnass 2000 tho, but the F-4-2000 with PW1120 engines
and the uniquely upgraded F-15K
It’s just an F-15E built in Korea, that’s like saying the F-15J is unique because it’s made by Mitsubishi (Although one could argue it’s more unique since it has indigenous Japanese missiles)
korean one has SLAM/SLAM-ER operationally (US one can carry aswell but not operationally), and has an IRST built in, and a slighlty better EW suite (though this is compared to original F-15E/C one)
it also carries taurus cruise missiles which US one doesnt
some of them have F110 engines too
most of production is from US anways, korea only does a fraction of it
Wish we can get the AIM-47 firing YF-12 in WT, someday … that’d be soo cool
imagine YF-23 and 22 ingame, would be amazing
M1.72 supercruise in 1991 goes crazy
Show me one in service
Oh you mean that other one that only had like one prototype, yes very compelling.
The F-4-2000 and Lavi are not actual service aircraft and their inclusion in the game is far from guarenteed.
I mean it has IRST, a different Radar, and additional weapons capability, it may not be huge, but it is a unique variant of F-15.
You also neglected to address the FA-50 and KF-21 which again is more than Israel has, you have to accept that whether you like it or not, there is enough for a united Korea tree to be added to the game given Gaijin’s past additions
it has APG-63v1, not unique to it, the F-15C ingame has it
KF-21 looks very good. Like J-35A. He s 5th generation?
It is different to the F-15E currently in game though which is what I said
never claimed unique
Better than the F-15E radar if I recall correctly.
Show me a Yak 141 in service, a Horten, an HSTV-L, an F-16AJ, I could go on
We have plenty of vehicles which were not in service.
You also neglected to address the FA-50 and KF-21
Yeah because those are the 2 indigenous aircraft which I meant in my first comment, I though that was obvious.
I heard they’re either roughly the same or APG -70 might have more power output depending on what you believe
63v1 electronic upgrade and reliability from original APG-63, but may have better range, same with APG-70
True but that doesn’t mean every paper or prototype is going to be added, and I do believe the Lavi will be at some point but again they aren’t service, you can’t just assume they will be part of the tech tree
I expect Lavi will be an event/premium vehicle
Might be the APG-63(V)2 (AESA?) I was thinking of, also I believe the F-15K is getting a radar update at some point, maybe it already has, so depending on if and when they add the F-15K we might get the late version instead.
The 63(V)1 is newer than the 70 though right?