don’t fall for it, he’s baiting you
You said yourself you wanted to hit 10k no?
I’d rather them model working headlight(and whatnot) and horns first.
I want to honk at teammates and enemies alike. Plus working lights would be cool.
They would be pretty cool. M48 had giant light thing and I want to blind ppl in night battles lol
Australia day is round the corner, seems to be the event reward
you want all the shells from different directions at moment lol
No, that’ll be the decal I datamined.
The avatar is for the pack, for Moments of Valour, that I also datamined.
“Good day mates. January 26th is Australia’s national day! This date coincides with the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet on the coast of the continent, which proclaimed these lands as the territory of the British Empire. This day is celebrated with concerts, festivals and awards for the year’s most outstanding Australians.”
" On 26 January 1788, 11 British ships carrying 1,023 people having journeyed from Portsmouth in the United Kingdom reached Warrane (Sydney Cove) . It was there that Captain Arthur Phillip raised the flag of Great Britain and proclaimed a colonial outpost on the sovereign lands of the Gadigal Peoples."
“Australia gained full independence from the United Kingdom on March 3, 1986 This was the result of the Australia Act 1986, which removed all remaining legal and legislative power that the British government had over Australia.”
For almost 200 years Australia was legally under British rule quite impressive really
Pack will include boomerang + ac iv ?
Also, night battles for low tier tanks.
There’s nothing to (further) discuss about that anyways lol
The only three things I know of, as things currently stand:
- pack will definitely have the title of the same name and the aforementioned avatar in it at least
- title will be achievable with Boomerang Mk. I, Boomerang Mk. II, Catalina Mk. IIIa, Spitfire L.F. Mk. IX (Plagis’), Wirraway Mk. I, Grant Mk. I [USA], A.C. Mk. IV
- skins will be available for Boomerang Mk. II, Catalina Mk. IIIa, F-4EJ (ADTW), Spitfire L.F. Mk. IX (Plagis’), Wirraway Mk. I, Grant Mk. I [USA], Leopard 1 A1 A1
Out of all the F-4Es they could have chosen, why this one?
Gaijin moment
It’s the closest we have in-game to the Aussie F-4Es, as they were slatless (no Agile Eagle), while in-game USA F-4E does have Agile Eagle, and the F-4EJ does not. Them picking the F-4EJ first and then switching to the F-4EJ (ADTW) has an obviou$ reason. (same goes for the Spitfire F. Mk. IX → Spitfire L.F. Mk. IX (Plagis’) and the PBY-5 → Catalina Mk. IIIa)
Slats /antennas/smthn else configuration?
and I’m guessing this one here will play out in the same way as the Meteor for the Brazilian pack
Ugh, well, not gonna buy that ADTW just to use an Aussie skin, that’s for sure
Could of been a good way to add a Aussie F-4E as a squadron vehicle for us Brits
Why not rename them to “Moments of cashgrab” then?
Idk would be more appropriate ( it won’t boost their sales by a noticeable amount, nobody’s shocked except their marketing department. Also ironic)
None AIM-9J, targeting pod and the early precision-guided munition like USAF F-4E 1969 ?
Since late vietnam war and post vietnam war, Block 48 ~ 60 equipped leading-edge slats under Agile Eagle