The country with the most vehicles from or modified by Israel is Chile, and its relations have been very good for 50 years. That is why the most likely subtree for Israel is Chile, just by logic.
But wouldn’t Turkey also make sense gameplay wise? Idk, I mean south Korea and US makes much more sense than Turkey and US or Israel and South Korea
but what does Chile add to Israel? Next to nothing for air, and not a huge amount for ground either, though they are better on that front.
They may make geopolitical sense but as far as gameplay they barely move the bar for Israel
No any countries around Israel would be iffy as hell.
Funny 60 HVSS Shermans and funny Chaffee’s
Turkey and US are NATO, Israel and South Korea aren’t, that’s enough of a link to put Turkey in the US, and the Turks and Israelis aren’t exactly fast friends at the moment
I hope it’s a joke because what you say doesn’t make sense, literally Chile solves all of Israel’s problems in all branches, in tanks it gives you many light vehicles, anti-tank and anti-aircraft which is what Israel lacks the most, in air it allows Israel to extend up to rank 1 and it has many, even in helicopters it fills missing spaces
But South Korea is one of the closest US allies in the world. Also a very pro-american country, and the US is a very pro-SK country. US has been with South Korea from the start, honestly the US is probably why SK exists to begin with
Tell me you know nothing about US-SK relations without telling me you know nothing about US-SK relations
We are closer to SK than some NATO countries
“Israel–South Korea relations refers to the diplomatic, commercial and cultural ties between the State of Israel and the Republic of Korea. South Korea has maintained relations with Israel since 1948, and in 1962 both states initiated official diplomatic relations”
US-SK relations started in 1945 when Korean peninsula was split between USSR and US (was supposed to be temporary)
Israel also had no involvement in the Korean War
This could go on but I think Israel defiantly needs a sub at this point tho, any reasonable option is better than no option.
Look, I’m not saying SK to Israel makes more sense than SK to US, but Israel has very few options and the US has lots.
Israel’s options are limited to small countries that don’t add much to an already tiny tree, or countries that hate them, SK is one of the few options that is neither of those.
The US has it’s pick of half the world to add as subtrees, why pick South Korea and completely waste all its potential as a subtree because 90% of its vehicles aren’t needed or are C&P of vehicles you already have, let alone the fact that it has a lot of vehicles available as a subtree, and the US is already basically tied as the biggest tree, there’s no room for South Korea
K1 is distinct from Abrams, K2 and K9 are unique, same with T-50, F-15K is distinct from F-15E, and that’s just the ones I know off the top of my head.
If geopolitical relations dont really matter then Turkey is just as good of an option no? Also, there is always Chile which has some pretty neat F-16’s
Maybe the solution is adding a LM/Boeing/NG subtree instead of any nations, since it feels like all the most logical options are being too contested
Also they might expand how trees are so a SK could fit. Then there is the pretty amazing nation folder idea
Definitely won’t feed into the question of people asking why the TT exists.
if that was my view then I’d keep suggesting Turkey and Iran, but they do matter so they can’t be Israeli subtrees.
and the only thing added by the Chilean air force is the F-5E
seriously, who does Israel get as a subtree, it has to be a nation they have positive relations with and that has enough additions that it can create a new line in the air tree without just overlapping the Israeli tree?
I think you don’t know how subtrees work, the function of a subtree is to fill the missing spaces of the main tree they go to and not just focus on the top tier, you have the most recent example of Japan and Thailand, Japan lacked attack aircraft and its third line was almost empty, Thailand fixed this and you don’t see anyone complaining because with Thailand they gained another F-16 and a Gripen. Chile has excellent aircraft in all ranges and most importantly in relation to Israel.
You left out the F-16AM M4 and the F-16 C/D Block 50+ (Late), really, stop spreading false information
Another thing I think is important that subtrees don’t outnumber the main tree. You shouldn’t have more vehicles in the subtrees of a TT than the actual domestic tree. Would defeat the purpose of having the tree be with that nation.
Seems biased seeing only Denmark…hmmmm lol, yeah alone it would flop sadly, we would only be good for like 3 air vehicles and ground vehicles past 8.0 (M41 DK would be very similar to the M41D)