Not before they make us pay with irl money…pls snail ill do literally anything just gib more tt drakens
Anything else? Why don’t we just change the name of Germany and call it France.
Better yet, I propose that we add super etendard to Germany :)
Argentine one, yeah sure why not, pretty sure everyone thinks Argentina is already a German subtree
Why not give germany a leclerc, oh and throw a rafale in there
As much as I’d hate to see it, I fully expect them to add a premium/event Tiger 2 to France at some point. The Kungstiger was acquired in France after all.
I do hope you do not mean the C-5, which would just be F-15s and EFs taking off, spamming a few at 60km and going at getting more. Even the C-1 through 4 are not necessary. What needs to happen is tracking algorithms for all missiles need a huge overhaul. The best example I can give of this is the fact you can outroll an AIM-7F/M. All missiles need to have faster and more efficient algorithms, that fixes the deep issue a whole lot more than G pull will. It will also make those 30gs a whole lot more useful and feel like 40gs.
Argentina is not a German subtree, just as France should not get all the German tanks. However…
I know it’s not but maybe it should be, I mean Germany doesn’t have a subtree yet, Switzerland was never confirmed as one afaik
AIM-120C 4 variants (AIM-120C-3, AIM-120C-4, AIM-120C-5, AIM-120C-6 & AIM-120C-7) and AIM-120D pull to 40G
AIM-2000 IRIS-T coming to sometime 2026 or Q2 2027
But before MBDA Meteor because wait until 2028 or 2030
Well, I don’t know of those features, but I assume the mechanics wouldn’t be coming if they were not suited in terms of balance, hahah.
I just want something that’s able to pull a few more Gs than what we’ve had for years… something closer to MICAs, R-73s, etc, in terms of G-pulls.
Maybe the overhaul you mention would fix it, I don’t know. I am not as well versed in aircraft matters as I am when it comes to MBTs, hahah.
It’s just that, currently, I feel like I need to perfectly lead and carefully place the 9M and 120B launches on unaware and unsuspecting targets that are flying in a straight line in order to hit them, while MICAs and R-73s will break the fabrics of space and time to hit their opponents.
Missiles in general could do with a rework, they feel extremely inconsistent at the best of times and either recoding or adjusting would be much appreciated
Sorry mate I am not waiting 5 fucking years for some pixels on a screen, i could join an airforce and be flying a jet with meteors before that
I still remember the French crying over the possibility of Germany getting some Mirages and Super Etendards. Maybe that’s why the Gaijins backed off with Argentina. I still hope to see at least one Swiss Mirage.
I hope it wouldn’t come in the German tree unless it is meaningfully different compared to all other Mirages in WT.
You know when your AIM-120 is pulling Gs and its smoke trail does a really weird hard angle? That’s not server lag, it’s the servers being overloaded and rather than using a small triangle for triangulating it uses a bigger one, which leads to sudden energy draining jerks in the flight path. Servers that are more capable would smoothen the missiles and allow them to hit their max Gs easier and more consistently.
There are some pretty funky swiss mirages iirc
If they don’t do some fundamental changes to the maps and air battles themselves I don’t see why stuff like Meteors should even be considered as future content
Yeah we’re gonna need like 300km wide maps if they want to try that
I don’t think fox-3s should’ve even shipped with the current furball style of combat personally, but i have a little bit of faith that gaijin will innovate soon and make air rb fun again
Yup, some changes to how air battles work are definitely overdue