Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Also I find it funny that the J-11A is the same BR as the Su-27SM, which is better in every single way.


The F-15I is in early state due to the distinct lack of any domestic modifications to the airframe, avionics or weaponry, not because it has SDBs

Speaking of planes and dates, I wonder whether we will be getting more accurate/advanced missiles on the next update or soon…

So far, to me, for example, Eurofighter doesn’t really feel much different from F-16C or F-15C, since it is limited to the same AIM-9M and AIM-120 those have been already using for some time.

Like… Eurofighter does not really feel like Eurofighter when it is equipped with weapons long outdated by the time the plane entered service. Even AIM-120C would be fine, if Meteor were deemed to be too much.

In terms of IRs, it may be time for the very top planes to start getting IRIS-T and AIM-9X…

My point is; R-73s and MICA-EMs are already much better than 9Ms and 120A/Bs, so I think it’s only fair that 120Bs/9Ms start being replaced by its successors and true counterparts to the R73s and MICAs.


Would be too big BR gap at that point. Would also have later 120’s and GBU-53, as well as maybe JASSM’s

Just put it in a folder or something

Avionics like what? Nothing that would be modeled in-game if refferring to EW suite, which is probably better than the original late 70’s/early 80’s TEWS but likey equivalent to the upgraded TEWS that would be on US strike eagle

I think if most nations have a 14.0 by June, then we may see new missiles then, 120Cs and R77M, but my personal bet would be December this year, getting a new swathe of IR missiles

F-15E also lacking updates from 2000+
but still, in fact - youre trying to count single munition, why would you count that for both of them, both of them using it, in fact Israel got them even later.

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They didn’t deny it they just added the gripen instead. They aren’t mutually exclusive in anyway.

4 like the kfir c10

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Well I could try JHMCS which was post 2010 on US F-15Es but i am cutting this off here, utterly pointless arguing but my point still stands, any inbalance you are whining about is of your own doing, and cannot be pinned on the F-15I or Israeli playerbase

I’d rather have the elbit electronics than US ones, makes the jet far more unique

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I predict that israel F-15I Early pre AIM-9M, GBU-39 SDB, SPICE 1000 & 250, Python 5 and AIM-120C-7

And equipped LANTIRN Sharpshooter targeting pod

I mean it is the same for the rafale if you go that way, the only reasons mica feels good now it because you don’t have to go defensive all the time now and can have an higher speed more easily, the airframe was the problem and the mica is still a lot nerfed, now it is possible to enjoy an experience closer to most planes.

And i’m a bit confused why you compare mica to 9m, we only have the em version in game not the ir.

I would honestly rather have 14.0 (or whatever future BRs house the newest top tiers) be a completely new one that cannot be downtiered/uptiered into, this would allow the best aircraft in game to receive their more modern weaponry without the knock on effect it wiuld have on lower BR jets in that bracket, it would also provide a ‘testing ground’ for new weaponry while being used on the best airframes in the game, this can then trickle down into lower BRs as required overtime.
Only a suggestion though, don’t take this too seriously

MICA-EM is still the best dogfight missile- it pulls insane amounts of Gs, excelling at the ranges IRs typically shine, while 9M is barely mediocre and the 120s are not suited for these ranges at all either.

My point is; at close range, some countries enjoy R-73s, others enjoy MICAs… while the countries limited to 9M and 120B don’t have proper close combat options, as neither 9M nor 120B can’t pull remotely as close as R-73 or MICA.

I think every nation should have good close range missiles, and neither 9M nor 120A/B are suitable for these. Only medium ranges at best. They just don’t have the G overloads necessary for that purpose.

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Honestly a BR wall isn’t a bad idea, although I do think more decompression or a 0.7 matchmaker are better solutions, if Gaijin won’t do those then a BR wall is the next best thing

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Su-27SM might increase BR if received R-73M

But sino flanker J-11A battle rating drop lower 13.7 ?

Ideally the current F-15I would recieve SPICE-1000 and 2000 alongside Python-4.
Then a second variant with the SATCOM dome, SPICE 250s, Delilah, Popeye, Derby-ER, Python 5, newer JDAMs and a few more goodies

I don’t think it should be limited to only the very top tier aircraft to get stuff like this. If it can carry them then it should get them, BUT make the modifications for them increase the vehicle’s BR. So something like a 9X mod would have something like +1 BR or however much is necessary. That way there’s no massive BR gaps since you can just uninstall the mod and go back to the previous BR but lose access to the 9X and there’s no need to just get another F-16C or something which the only difference is it’s missiles for 400k+RP.


Should be 13.3tbh, has no digital Rwr, a horrific radar and just isn’t worth it at all, it’s about as good as the SMT and it’s BR should reflect that

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