Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I’m curious to what they are going to add next update…
I sure hope for long range SARH spaa for ALL nations.


I mean, they are putting old BP and event vehicles in the BPs now with those boxes that replaced the third vehicle

gaijin :


Should be GBU-53 for F-15E and Spice 250 for F-15I

Also YF-23 and YF-22 with

well, the old BP’s were extremely well valued. The 2000GE was enough for only one of the four vehicles you’d get (not including all the other things, such as boosters, wagers, SL, decorations, etc.)

I’m not going to lie, that is what I thought BP’s would originally be before they introduced the first two ones. In my eyes these ‘low-value’ ones are better, because you don’t lose anything if you don’t grind them, unless you’re a collector. A lot of people don’t have the time to grind a BP and would rather just buy the unique vehicles as pack premiums, GE premiums or the best solution: get them for free in the Tech tree.

But that’s obviously just my opinion.

Agreed, although I have almost all of them, getting the Toldi and its nice camo for example would be a dream for me.


Maybe Gaijin makes it rank IV, maybe rank V, it’s really anyone’s guess.

My money is either USSR T26 or Japanese M4.


GPS guided bombs are kind of useless in most game modes, and the GBU-39 was only just added, no need for the 53 yet, Spice 250 and JDAM ER would be the next logical thing anyways, alongside Spice 1000/2000 potentially, gives more versatility to the GPS guided, bomb, using a bigger one means even if you don’t get a direct hit you may still get a kill

There may also be other glide bombs that could be added but IDK any

No, it really should be better SAMs first and more CAS stuff later

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53 is not just gps guided

Should be higher BR

Speaking of the USSR T26 I bet they could use the early T-26 china has currently. Doesn’t the USSR only have 2 reserve tanks or am I wrong?

Doesn’t every nation have 2?

No, Germany has 3, for example.

Also, offtopic, but my take for the battlepass tank is the French ERC-90. The battlepass is named “The last Legionnaire”, I think that gives a hint.

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since Rafale has also HMD IFF how about Eurofighter HMD IFF?

Every nation except for Germany and Israel has 2 reserve tanks.
Germany got the Pz. 35(t) a while after ground battles were released and Israel has only one in the form of the M-51.

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I’d support every nation having 3 reserve vehicles, since new players usually start playing arcade, which allows you 3 spawns.


The ERC-90 is not an american tank though

Yes, I know. Did they mention the battlepass tank would be from the US? I didn’t pay attention.

Yes, yes they (Gszabi) did

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