Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Who decides what fits? because if it’s just NATO plus Japan and Israel, vs USSR and China, then the C&P is very imbalanced, there are 8 nations with lots of US tech and only really 2 with Russian stuff, so spreading the Russian stuff around more seems fair, also China and Germany already have split east/west tech so giving that to Britain doesn’t really change anything.

and with most matches being USA and Russia vs USA and Russia anyways for air, it makes no real difference in matches anyways

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imagine b-1b fires 8 cruise missiles to pantsir location lol


Love that


Oh god the copium they’d be spewing

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China and Germany historically were split, Britain wasn’t and still isn’t.

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its an smol island lol

It is a ‘sub tree’, doesn’t matter, neither is Italy IRL, neither was Sweden. But they can all get some foreign vehicles.

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Think the B-1, Tu-22, and Tu-160 are the only strat bombers that would really work without some serious game mode changes, you’d need something supersonic and with an air spawn, and even then, you’d just spawn, bomb base, and die. I doubt it would be very fun

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some planes are better for gound battles, like f-117

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The F-117 isn’t good in any mode lol

  1. It can carry 24 cruise missiles

Britain was very split, it was only in 1707 that the kingdoms of England and Scotland united to form the Kingdom of Great Britain, then again in 1801 when we added Ireland to become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, later with the Irish Republics independence we went through a name change to become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

But aside from that, India was under direct rule of Britain during the time scope of the game, which puts it fairly enough into “was one thing, now two things” I think

i would guess slab them into the chopper tree at a battlerating from 8.7 to 10.7 depending on the loadout.
also airspawn between bouth helipads mayby and even a new small airfield esclusivly for them?
or the Helipad that is further away gets a small runway added where the coin planes would start/land

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Adding them to the helico tree would mean they can’t be used in air battles, and having them in air battles would be half the fun of adding them

Nonsense best turn fighter in game really undertiered tbh.

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I would prefer if they put drones in the heli tree and the modern props in the regular air tree


I’m hoping to see more low br additions to BeNeLux tbh

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It’d be nice to see the Fokker D.XXI in the BeNeLux tree at the very least, given that it’s already in game and is a Dutch aircraft.

You could also add the Fokker D.XVII as a new reserve aircraft as that tier is always fun to play


The Belgian Chasseurs (T.13 B1, B2 and B3) would also be a good way to give more firepower to France in early BRs.