Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Anyway you could let us know if next update will either be more ground focused or air focused?

What if its ship focused =)


2025 the year of the sea for war thunder

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Yes submarines are coming cerca 2025 ^^

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It would be cool to see the T-84U or TOR-M1 for USSR.

god knows how they’re going to balance that

lol britain have/had nothing to do with f-14

Pretty solid variety across the board on most fronts.


The vehicle was ultimately never used by Iran. The version coming is the British produced and tested prototype. Hence the British flag.


So with this information I can presume a new TT possibly?

I’m not sure how you took that from what I said.


With a solid variety across the board a new TT could be a cause of said variety.
Either way new TT or not i like the across the board additons approach.

every update has a variety across the board though

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something from iranian imperial army would be great

like these two destroyers

Babr and Palang

(former USS Zellars and USS Stormes)



good for a event vechile

currently there is a USS Sumner in the game i think.

USS Sumner have more weapon than this two i think. im not in naval battles but its great to add something from imperial iran army. iranian army was among 10 best armies those days

Babr and Palang had missiles i think (it seems they have removed one of the main guns and put some missiles (maybe surface to air missiles) also they have added a helipad)



Oi that my job to be high on that speculation : (

Will there be non main nations things ? Like operators that not part of the main 10 but still within.

As them always seem juicy for me

How about some very early vehicles? Perhaps some WW1 aircraft that I would do unspeakable things for?

Blink once for yes and twice for no if you can’t speak

Imagine a WW1 tab lol

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Would just be new rank 1s