Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Maybe, lets be honest the Indian tree has done very little for the UK.
The Indian indegnous projects are not at the level of other nations. T-90 was fine, the SAMs are fine (fixing the Stormer removes the need for them).

Then is it worth the level of effort to model Tejas for one single nation that has one of the lowest player counts.

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These vehicles help to populate lineups, or in the case of the Dutch 2A4, lay the foundations for expanding this BR which needs to be populated.

it may be poop, but still unique India tank, it’s not so right to deny a vehicle just because it’s not good in game, unless truely useless(literally, like L3/33 with maching gun).

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It means expectations should simply be kept realistic. It’s the same for any sub tree or even full nation. A good example was the Rafale. India is a sub tree if the British tree. But that doesn’t mean a Rafale was going to be automatically added the same update to the British tree or anytime soon.

Of course some surprises always await ahead for all nations. But it was to keep people’s expectations on a realistic level rather than the automatic assumptions that are often made here that because X nation is a subtree or Y, they will automatically get everything ever used by default. It’s not always the case.


France doesn’t exist. Its a myth.
Edit: Apparently people can’t take a damned joke.


These sub trees are to fill gaps, Britain at 9.7 - 10.0 presumably where a T-72 reskin the Arjun would go have good depth.

Top tier is really the only area Britain suffer.
No top tier light tanks, and below average top tier MBTs.

consider the fact that in game threre is no bad vehicle but only bad br, no matter how poop Arjun is IRL, it can work in 9.x br and make a good addition to the lineup, at least better than a C&P T-72 in both way(unique and play experience).


It is but it’s not going to be 9.0 as it has good sensors and optics and an Indian 3BM42 (slightly better if I recall)

I see it as a 9.7 - 10.0 tank and it will be outclassed.
That doesnt mean it shouldnt be added though.

I still think Gaijin hope interest in the game will proliferate like it did in the Chinese market. And India will have it’s own tree.

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So far, though Britain hasn’t needed as much help as some of the other nations that have received subtrees, it’s the higher tiers where Britain needs help the most which ZA can’t really provide, but India can, and of all the subtrees India has the most potential so hopefully we’ll see more from them down the line especially as Britain has only a few more things to offer for at least for air so we could see those gaps in the updates filled by Indian aircraft

India is kind like SA, not enough unique vehicle, but still plenty. too less to be a new TT, too much for a Sub.

it’s the later shell, it’s early shell has 150mm/60°, you can see how terrible.

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Still waiting for the Gnat :(
Yes SA while the majority of the vehicles are average the Gripen allowed British players to not have to use the Tornado forever. This is why im not against sub trees.

Gnat and the Ajeet would both be really nice additions, maybe it’ll come this patch, I mean probably not but it would be a nice way to start introducing India to the air research tree

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The author of the model iar93 seems to have already finished working on his model for gaijin


he finished Ajeet long long ago

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Considering it has a Leopard 2A4 turret and a hull similar in protection to the T72M1, and mobility close to the TTD, I think, depending on reload settings and ammo, it’s a 10.3-10.7 tank
A more advanced version of the 10.7-11.0

he finished it before iar93 if i’m not mistaken

Leopard 2A4 turret it’s still a T-72 hull with no miracle Russian ERA and a rifled gun, 1400hp engine and considered underpowered.

It shouldnt be anywhere near 11.0

Arjun Mk2 is lighter which implies a reduction in armour protection.

And Mk3 looks so futuristic and will never be built as

TTD is similar to the regular Arjun in terms of defense and mobility, that’s why I say that depending on its APSDF and reload, this tank can be ± 10.3
I don’t know what kind of APSDF India has for his gun, but if he can use something like the L23A1, then with it and the standard 6 second reload, I think he’ll get to 10.3 and be good

Well, I honestly don’t know what the mass of these tanks should be, but the mk2 version has a lot of dynamic protection blocks on it and in theory, on the contrary, it should add weight

just looks similar, not L2A4 turret

actually, the extra weight in MK1 is because the bad manufacturing, causing unnecessary weight.

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The Germans literally provided the turret and engine for the Arjun, no?