Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Is the +EF-2000 better than the F-15E?


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like 2 times as better?

no, just a bit better

Cobi X War Thunder anyone?

could be a good name for a update that brings AIM-9X, IRIST, MICA IR etc

when do u think those missiles would come

Heat Tracking sounds too close to Hot Tracks, it would be weird

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late 2025 most likely but we all know gaijin, they will add it before that time and it will break the game.

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Could see them being the big feature of the summer update, though maybe not all those specific missiles

what about python 4, if am not mistaken its been in the game files for more than a year,and if they are gonna add aim9x wouldnt they just add python 5?

at least early blocks of AIM-9X should be added with the F/A-18

we are most likely going to get early blocks of AIM-9X which is equivalent of Python 4 (if I’m not mistaken)

IDK, there isn’t much to balance the Python 4 against, if they add the 4 they’ll have to add the 9X and if they add the 9X then they might as well add the 5, so maybe the Python 4 will get added to some worse vehicles like the F-16D and Kfir C.10

isnt aim9x even early variants a tad more advanced due to superioir guidance sytems?

idk but irccm capability should be comparable

hmm maybe a balacing would be done so that python 4 matches performance of that of early aim 9x

Sadly flying the Tornado ground attack version is a horrible time.
If the Tornado was good Gaijin would premium/event it up.

“ASRAAM” Am I joke to you

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want it so bad, best missile, don’t care what anyone says

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