Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

it has been to long
leak 2


going over 12 is into speculation, but between the modernization and quick updatability of the electronics on the EX, as well as the modern AESA, and the AMBER racks being developed, even if it cannot right now, at most it is a software update away

Here you go sir, a leak list that is from a reliable source !

Leak Top Secret


YF-23, F/A-18C, Su-30SM, XM246, Tracked Rapier, FB-111A, Badger IFV, Richelieu, USS Colorado

Massive skill issue, the MICA is practically falling out of the sky past 15km.

It also has the exact same seeker as any other non AIM-54/F-90 ARH missile, so if you can dodge those then you can dodge a MICA. Especially above 8km.

12km deathzone then?

Try 3

yeah i kind of doubt that.

There was a video a while back of someone notching an AIM-120 at 1.5km headon, the MICA is faster so it’s safe to say 3km is the zone in which you cannot get into a notch in time.

Also if you’re getting within 3km of any plane head on, much less a Rafale you are doing something wrong.

fair enough, but i meant more the maximum range where the MICA is either unbeatable or very difficult to beat kinematically

wierd stuff like the amraam notch happens, game isnt perfect after all

That’s called a no escape zone or NEZ, I don’t have exact figures but I would call it around 8km rear aspect at altitude.

It by no means is a deathbubble though.

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ok fixed original post

sorry impossible to copy and translate, and yes, mica manages its synetic energy very well

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I see that it talks about giving 22 aim 120 to the F15 mmmhhh

if the J11B does not have advanced air-to-ground weapons and it remains an air superiority plane gaijin should make it a plane that excels in this area with modern and advanced missiles like the PL-15 and PL-8B the plane must be a real step forward compared to the J-11A, the planes of other nations have enormous quality, versatility, very correct air-to-air and air-to-ground ammunition, the J11B which I don’t have this quality. For me, I should excel in this, specializing in aerial superiority.

the rafale has : AASM, the typhoon : Brimstone, the F15E : Aim 120 X8 + GBU-39 X20

give the PL-15 to the J11B to make it as unique as the others, but hey will gaijin consider this relevant and applicable in the gamplay of 2025 ??🤔🤔

ps : and we can also give the meteor to the Rafale and the Typhon FGR4 since it was implemented with the F3R and FGR4 version

The MICA is extremely draggy compared to its real life counterpart and expends all its energy in wobbling. Its diameter is also 2cm too big for some reason.

It should be able to manage much better in BVR but simply cannot at the moment unfortunately.

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yes gaijin still hasn’t solved the problem of wobbling missiles, taking into account that all missiles are nerfed

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should be GBU-53 tbh, or at the very least laser SDB’s

if they add PL-15 they will add AIM-120D to US and C-8 (export D) to everyone else so wont be as big of a advantage as you would think

and if they do add PL-15, we will probably get an F-15SA with 12 AIM-120C-8

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the R73 has very very short range is a very good example now

Now give me 1 mil sl

