With it being the WT forums own “Goodwins law” (I think it should become known as “snails law”) it must be clear that its something the vocal playerbase is not happy with and concerned about going forward as we run out of more modern additions to trees.
If Israel possible than anything is possible : P
Dont even mention israel. its in such a trash state. nothing but pattons and centurions
Even more so now with the starter premiums gone, I still can’t get why they did that.
Don’t forget about their captured T-54s/T-55s
if they can make a tree that is 34% Magach, they can do anything
That what I just said C&P reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
true the tiran is at least some diversity to that tree. I do wish that the Arabic world stuff goes there to fill it out (preferably avoiding the countries Israel has had aggressions with in past years) like there’s a lot of cursed shermans that can add some cool things to the tree
Saudi Arabia in Israel? they’d get the Eurofighter, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, that’d be a weird group.
Qatar has Rafale, Eurofighter, and F-15E, Kuwait has the Hornet, that would be a stacked TT
add Algeria to that and you get the MiG-29, SU-24 and SU-30
This is their most cursed Sherman imo
Man waiting for the BR changes hope F14B gets the 9Ms
Wouldn’t a lot of those go to US? Not the Canadian service ones sure, but US uses a LOT of LAV and Strykers
I think Qatar F-15 to US since there are differences that would be nice to have in US (it’s also completely US designed, tested, and made)
Kuwait hornet just shouldn’t be added outside of maybe a skin tbh
was responding to the suggestions that Isreal get non hostile Arab stuff, I don’t agree that they should get all that, or really any of it, IDK what subtree would work best for Israel but Arab definitely isn’t it.
Also, you’re obsessed with the F-15, if it were up to you, the US would get about 8 different F-15s
far better than the half arsed C&P disaster it is now. with the exception to Kuwait. They have an Abrams M1a2K, and as seen by the M1a1 AIM the abrams isn’t allowed in another tree because Freeaboos will have a seizure.
The Abrams is used by plenty of countries, I don’t see why they should all go to the US, we should get a Chinese one at least for Taiwan
Yeah true, don’t think all Qatar stuff should go to any one nation anyways
As for F-15, they are a very iconic American fighter, and my personal favorite.
I won’t ask for stuff like F-15J and Israel ones, since those are indigenous modified. However, all the ones I do ask for are the purely American export ones and actual USAF ones
That one is pretty unavoidable. At least it’ll be worse than the US one but not enough for a lower BR
I agree fully. American mains are extremely protective over their vehicles despite them being Ubique in the modern day. and unfortunately they are one of the main cash cow groups for gaijin, it would be a premium in the US tree most likely from that