Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

See, theres the problem, COULD be added, but thats not whats happening, is it?

India would fit the treatment that canada and austraila gets more than Canada and Australia does. I like calling this division between trees the “divorced child approach” as they are in Britain until its the weekend and then they are with America or the weird uncle Germany. India is a lot more separate in culture and military than the canucks and aussies to the British. I do think the great britain tree should be reworked to be a British Commonwealth tree so that this issue is resolved, its not fair on a nation to be only in one place when convenient to gaijins profits (leo 2 can)




look, if we don’t consider user nation important, then any exported vehicle should go under the nation that designed it, and if user nation is important then all vehicles of a nation should be together, ideally under a different system than we have now, but we make do with what we have

Just give us the subtree rework already


catch 22.


PGM is trash, mate

No this is a thread to discuss the commonwealth in war thunder

I believe you’ll find that PGMs are guided bombs, technically speaking

And if we apply the definition of a missile, then the PGMs are missiles, Air to Ground missiles, more specifically speaking

honestly yea. make the USA tree into “the americas” with exception to Canada so that south American entries have a consistent spot. France can become home to west European stuff (spain and Portugal), Germany can take on Austria+hungary, former soviet nations in USSR and the commonwealth of nations with the British commonwealth.

There would be a load of complaining from certain WT groups because “X would get bias” but the game would be in a better state for future additions and discussion


A missile is an object that is propelled through the air regardless of method of propulsion, so yes, you are correct.

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true in the game it is an AGM, which is why the PGM costs like an AGM, not a guided bomb and is easily shot down by AA, while the GBU was almost impossible to destroy until recently

technically a missile does is not required to be self-propelled so if we want to get technical, all bombs are missiles, heck even bullets are missiles

Yes, exactly, so, technically, if you loaded a hamster into a trebuchet…

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the servers would crash if you did that, they need the hamster to work



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It’s not hard to understand?

Discuss the upcoming update, not the current new one, which is Storm Warning.

What happened this time

It costs as much as an AGM because it is one, an Air-to-Ground Missile.
It’s a self propelled projectile with guidance and intended to be launched by an airborne vehicle to destroy ground targets.