Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Feel the Aus Hornet would be more likely out of the two, considering the Asraam connection

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Ignore him he just wants the tech trees as pure as possible

Something that everyone should want.


Right now to my knowledge

Canada has vehicles in Germany, Britain and US lineups.

Just sucks its all so spread apart in different nations.

I don’t think I agree with the last part of your message though. There’s nothing that’s been added for air at this time, the most recent RAAF we got was the F111C. That gives me a bit of hope I guess.


Not really to have a balance game then there needs to be some room for that, if everyone pure then there would be no subs, far more nations and even more C&P then there is now

a close up of a man with his eyes closed and a statue of yoda behind him

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Amazing. Phenomenal.

Amazing. Phenomenal.

It would be the exact opposite.

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Canada did purchase a bunch of old RAAF F18A/Bs keep that in mind. Majority of them are being used for spare parts but a couple of them are in operational use.

I mean, sure, it would be more likely, but again, I just can’t see Gaijin adding a Hornet when the tree is more than likely about to get a MiG-29, a Su-30, another Sea Harrier and maybe even the Tejas

So ok then imagine if Britain didn’t get the Gripen, would you whiling to hear us moan for 1.5+ years ?

You act like there aren’t other options.

more nations at this point guarantee Copy Paste, we have all the major military industry countries in the game now

Because there was no other option, Tornados were late and even then half baked our previous jet was the Phantom which was added in 2019.

Yes 6 years ago


The F-111C definitely was a surprising addition when considering how Gaijin likes to act other times, claiming there would be no need for certain vehicles to be added due to a nation already having stuff doing the same job.

Of course, I could be wrong and Britain does indeed get a Hornet, but again, I just can’t see it happening.

For the Gripen, DA Typhoons for before R-Darters, and the Typhoon F.2 for after.

For the Tornado and Phantoms, why are you bringing them up when they are completely irrelevant?

other than some odd modifications of soviet/nato kit there is almost no unique vehicles left. and the most notable ones are gonna be a rehash of old soviet, American or british designs like arjun

More foreign vehicles mean more copy and paste, actually.

If they put the Cf-188 in the Uk tree I wanna see the LAV 3 also


Yugoslavia, South Korea, Canada, Serbia, Brazil, Iran, and even Jordan would like to have a word with you.

what would you do when fifth gen jets come to the game? Almost every TT is going to get a F-35. If you dont want C&P then all F35s should be added to US TT