Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

yeah, saw that just after I posted, kinda answered my question before I even asked it xD

Arent they also taking off for the Orthodox Christmas? Or just a part of the Devs?

Would be Su-30MKI presented in same update as Su-30SM?

Given the answer @Smin1080p_WT just gave it would seem likely, the SM was based off the MKI so unless there are any major differences that would be development issues

that should apply.

That being said it is a subtree, and the SU-30SM will be a top tier vehicle, and Britain just got the Eurofighter, so it’s possible it gets the German MiG-29 treatment, but I would hope it’s added into the Tornado F.3 line where it would fit quite nicely.

A subtree being present does not mean every possible vehicle that nation fielded may come to to game. India is a sub tree of Britain, but as you can see there was no Indian Rafale last update because the Eurofighter exists. So its not the same case as the M44 here and not the same comparison being drawn.

Just to manage your expectations and not take the answer out of context.


Smin, I wonder can you bring us any news regarding Raytracing on AMD Cards/Consoles?

As everyone has been on holiday, there is no real major news on most topics to report currently.

I would also take Minor news :)

In that case, why was the Strela added to Britain then? Like, were the two Stormers and the OSA not enough coverage for 10.3?

10-11 is one of the most popular BR ranges for British lineups, so more choice is always good. Its also tabbed with the existing Osa, so takes nothing away and is entirely optional for those that want to use it or bypass it.

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I think you misunderstood my sentiment to it, while im not a fan of soviet stuff in the british tree it is about time the indian subtree actually had a vehicle which wasnt event/premium. It just looks lazy from the identical content being ctrl+c crtl+v across everyone some times.
Ill also say while im replying it makes some multi nation vehicles not appearing in one nation which could have them look even worse, like wheres the RAF used F86 sabres & Vickers E in the british tree. Some notable lend lease vehicles arent in the in the USSR tree like Churchill (mk4 in soviet documents)

yea Devil06 did the suggestion, theres major SPAA holes which are made more apparent when theres 4 options for one lineup.

but you do see how it looks right? which was my point.

Player trust in what gaijin says has not recovered since the SL controversies a couple years back, people flat out dont believe that this is the case. We are in a couple of the same discord servers, you can see the distrust in gaijin be spoken about frequently


The primary focus for the tree has been domestic vehicles, like the Fox and Scimitar that people requested for some time and wanted to see more of.

Again, as I said this is taken into account with most vehicles that are added to the game than can be done in that way.

The Sabre for example, Britain at Rank V in aviation is already stacked very heavily with lots of tabbed vehicles. So the focus has been on other areas. Outside of that, there is not much demand for it.

And the addition of the Osa / Strella has not prevented something from coming that can go in those gaps. This connection thats trying to be made that somehow they came instead of gap fillers does not exist.

Not really at all. The M44 was coming to the game this update, and it provides a 4.0 TD for nations that didn’t have one. Like Britain.

At this stage, we have confirmed multiple times that domestic SPAAs are coming and the decal itself showcases one front and centre.

I understand you may still have doubts about that, however sadly no answer I give you here would change that anyway. So there is nothing further to add.

Is there any reason why the Strela was chosen over the 2S6? I mean, I would have been equally disappointed about getting that one, but that would at least have provided something that Britain didn’t already have, a Radar SAM with guns

The Strella was selected for Germany, Britain and Italy as each could receive it.

Also Britain does have a Radar SAM with guns, added just a couple of updates before:



If people don’t trust Gaijin and the forum staff then nothing said by them can realistically change that or really mean anything, so if that is your opinion then just ignoring them is the best thing to do

Stingers are IR SAMs, not Radar SAMs

A bit of a loose definition. Stormer AD is a SAM with a radar, but its a bit of a moot point at this stage.

As I said, Strella was chosen for Italy, Germany and Britain as each could receive it. Further platforms are not ruled out, but domestic options are the main focus.


If that really is the whole reason, I feel like it should be no surprise that people are calling Gaijin lazy.
At the same time, considering that reasoning I really don’t get why certain other easy copy paste jobs aren’t being implemented, stuff like the RAF Sabres that were mentioned in here or the multitude of German planes that were used by Hungary

That’s often due to the misunderstanding and misconception that it came “instead of” something else, or took the spot of a unique vehicle that otherwise would have been added had the Strella not have. Both of which are incorrect. It was added purely as a supplementary vehicle to provide people with an optional vehicle choice to use, should they want too.

I explained this above. British aviation at Rank V is already heavily stacked, with multiple tabs across the board. There is also little demand for the aircraft. So the priority for aviation has been on other vehicles and other areas. Thats not to say it may never come, but it’s not something high on the list for sure.

Hungarian low tier aviation has not been introduced yet. We explained at the time the tree was launching with the higher tier and more needed gap filling element first.

here is mine (regrouped the M-44 into 1)
